Chapter 9 Fuck you mother nature

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Oh weekend, why'd you have to end? Now I have to face the wrath of Connor.

I make my way through the school doors and make a turn towards my locker. I take the books out that I need for the rest of the day and make my way to Math.

Immediately met with Connor. Great. Just . Great.

Seems like him and Tyler are back to normal because they are speaking again. So they are fine with eachother but upset at me? I swear boys are more dramatic than I thought. I make my way to my desk and immediately decide to sleep through this class and I'm sure the teacher won't mind because I get good results.

I am woken up by someone shaking me. Who would be so cruel!?

I look up and immediately give that demon a death glare. Oh! Great! The demon is Tyler.

"What?!" I ask in a bit of a harsh way. What? I'm tired, hungry and not to mention feeling a bit off.

"Damn. Chill. The bell rang, I was just waking you up so we can get going." He says. Now I feel bad.

"Oh, sorry. I guess I didn't hear it."

"Are you okay?"

"Yes, why?"

"You look a bit pale."

"I'm fine. Are you and I cool now?"

"We were always cool Kay. I just hate that you are so closed up."

"That's just me Ty. Get use to it."

"I'll try my best."

We walk together to Spanish. I take my seat next to Tyler and the teacher begins teaching. After a few minutes I begin feeling discomfort in my private area. Please don't tell me...

Shit. I think mother nature just hit me. I gotta get out of here.

I get up and ask the teacher to be excused. She nods and I grab my bag and head to the restrooms.

Fuck. I bled through my jeans. Great. Just. Great. Why mother nature ? Why are you so cruel to me?  Fuck you mother nature.

Normally my periods aren't bad but I have a bad feeling about that changing. I take my hoodie off and tie it around my waist to hide the blood spot and make my attire a bit neat.

Once I'm done I make my way through the halls and consider whether I wanna go back to class or not. Nahh. I'd rather not.

I decide to just sit on the ground in the halls and wait for my next class, which is a while away. I lean my head against the wall and rest my eyes. I don't feel so good.

I feel really dizzy and nauseous. Am I dying ? Oh come on Kaylee!? Why am I so dramatic?!

I look up to the sound of a door and I'm met with grey eyes.

My luck just keeps on getting better and better.

"Are you okay?" Connor asks looking down at me.

"I'm fine." I say looking away from him.

"You don't look fine."

"Why do you care?"

"I don't care."

"Exactly, so stop asking me questions and leave me alone."

"I was just trying to be nice."

"I don't need you to be nice to me." I snap.

"Okay! What's your problem with me ? You're the first girl who has ever been such a bitch to me. What have I ever done to you?!"

I ignore him. I really don't feel so good.

"Do you even have a heart? I mean, I know I'm an asshole but you are way worse. You out asshole me and I never thought that is even possible..." He says and he keeps speaking but I hear nothing. It's like I went deaf in my ears. That's when my head falls to the side and I save myself before I face planted on the ground.

"You're so dramatic. If you want me gone just say so. You don't have to be a bitch and make like you are falling asleep."

I heard that. He is annoying the shit out of me right now.

"Why aren't you saying anything?." Uhmm.. maybe because I can't speak.

"Fine. I'm leaving." He says walking off and that's when I fall to the ground and see darkness.


I wake up to pain all over my body. It hurts so bad. I keep my tears in and grab my pillow to hold against my stomach.


How did I get in my room?

Last thing I remember is me being in the hall and not feeling well.

I look to my door and was surprised when I saw who was standing by the door frame.

"What are you doing here?" I ask with my husky voice. I can hardly speak.

"You passed out." Connor says.

"Why are you here?"

"When you passed out I took you to the nurses office and she said you lost a lot of blood and lacked iron. She said you needed rest so I brought you home."


"Why what?"

"Why bring me home? Why go through all the trouble?"

"You should eat something." He says completely ignoring my question. I'm not about to beg for answers.

"I'm not hungry."

"You still need to eat and oh... Uhm.. I got you tampons."

Wait. What?! Connor White got me tampons ?! He bought tampons. Wait... I'm so confused!


"The nurse said you had your periods... So I got you tampons.. I didn't know what flow you were, so I got you different kinds."

This is so sweet.

"Uhmm. Thanks, I guess."

"I'll go check up on your soup." He says and exits my room.

This day is just so weird. Not to mention I really really don't feel so good.

Okay I feel like I'm dying now. The pain just got worse.

"Connor!" I yell hoping he'd hear me.

"What's wrong." Connor runs into my room in full speed.

"I don't feel so good..." I say before I end up vomiting out blood. That can't be good.

"That's it, I'm taking you to the hospital." He picks me up bridal style and begins running downstairs with me in his arms.

He is so strong.

He places me in the passenger seat and buckling my seat belt. He began racing to the hospital.

"Slow down!" I manage to yell.

"No! You could be dying!"

"Connor! Slow down!"

He doesn't slow down.

"Connor!" I yell and he looks at me and that's when everything went downhill.



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