Chapter 14 What the fuck is happening to me??!

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Kyle's POV

I dump my bag on the floor of my room and fall down onto my bed. God what is wrong with me?

I have a gorgeous best friend who I can't get off my mind. Yeah I sleep around but fuck. She is like a forbidden fruit. I so badly wanna make love with her. Wait... What am I saying?! Make love?! I don't make love! I fuck.

What the fuck is wrong with me!? Ever since this morning when she said and I quote "Then do it." After I said I would love to fuck her. Like how could she do that to me? Does she have any idea what kind of effect she has on me?

I mean I can get a bunch of chicks.Why the fuck am I thinking of fucking my best friend against the wall! I think I'm going insane ! And not to mention after she said that I didn't know how to react so I just kept silent and kept thinking of disgusting things to turn me off because quite frankly, everytime I think of her all I can see is her naked on me which really turns me on.

To top it all off, I wanted to murder Connor White. I mean who the fuck does he think he is coming in her life all of a sudden?! I mean I'm grateful that he saved her life but I'm pretty sure she wouldn't be in the position in the first place if she wasn't in his car to begin with! And then he brings one of his sluts to our table causing a fight with Kaylee! I mean she can handle herself but still! And then right when I was gonna stop Kaylee from killing that slut he swooped in to save the day! Gosh what a jackass.

What the fuck is happening to me??!

Get out of my head Kaylee Summers!

God I need someone to fuck right now.


Mmm is Kaylee's best friend perhaps falling for her? Who knows?


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