Chapter 8 Yeah, runaway as always, asshole!

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Kaylee's POV

All the make up in the world can't cover this blue eye. Guess I'm just going to have to wear my shades at the barbecue.

I have a hand print on my arm that still hurts and bruised ribs. That bitch really did a number on me.

I take pills once again to get rid of the pain and then I make my way downstairs to find my parents waiting on me.

"You look beautiful sweetheart." My dad says. I'm wearing a white sundress with my hair curled.

"Thanks dad. Ready?" I ask.

"Yes, let's go!" My mom says.

Tyler lives 2 blocks away. Who knew I lived so close to the two bad boys ?

We make our way to the door as my mom rings the door bell.

Emma opened the door.

"Hi! Welcome! Come on in!" She says making way for us to enter.

Their house was beautiful.

"Let me take you to the back yard where Edward and the White's are. Anne? Would you like to help with the sides?" Emma asks.

"I'd love to." That would be my mom. She loves helping with food. I see her. She likes secretly eating it too. That's my mom. I guess I got that from her.

Emma takes us to the back yard, where I see Edward. A couple, Connor and a guy who looks about 2 years older than me.

My mom immediately hugs the woman and my dad shakes that man's hand.

"Kim, Robert. You remember my daughter Kaylee?"

"Of course! You've grown into a beautiful young lady!" Kim says hugging me.

"This is my two son's Connor and Greg." Kim says. So that's Connor's brother.

I greet everyone except Connor.

"Where's Tyler?" I ask Edward.

"He went to the grocery store for a few things."

"Oh, thanks."

I make my way to the car to get Connor's clothes. I find my way back and shove his clothes in his chest and walked over to Kim.

I look back at Connor who is just standing there looking at his clothes. Asshole.

"Connor ?! Greg?! Come over here." Kim yells to her two son's. Greg was hot but not as hot as Connor. "Sit, I have a story to tell you guys once everyone shows up."

What story could she possibly have to tell us altogether.

That's when Tyler showed up. Thank goodness! My saviour!

I got up to hug him.

"Hey there Kay!" He hugs me back even tighter. That hurts.

"Ouch. Okay let go. You're hurting me!" I try getting out of his hold but he just started laughing and hugged me tighter. It wouldn't have been a problem if I didn't have bruised ribs.

He finally let go. I take that moment to hold my stomach.

"Oh come on! I didn't hurt you that bad! Did i?" He asks.

"No. I'm fine." I lied.

"See?" He said grinning. "Why are you wearing shades?"

"Long story."

"What happened?"

"Nothing." I lie.


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