Chapter 4 You bitch! You broke my nose!

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Welcome to the life of Kaylee Summers. Where everyday is a stupid ass complicated obstacle. How I survived so long? I have no idea either.

Getting ready today for another day of hell at Langson High. It is very warm today. I decided to wear my denim jeans shorts, white tank crop top, my red flannel around my waist and my white converse. Let's just say I'm showing off my caramel skin today. Leaving my wavy brunette hair loose, I walk downstairs with my bag as I grab a granola bar and head out. My parents already left earlier this morning.

I walk into school just in time for my first class. Chemistry time. Hurray! Note the sarcasm.

I walk into the classroom and take a seat at the back. As I wait for Liz and Ms Richards to show up, I take my phone out and begin playing a game.

"Hi." A deep voice says Infront of me. I look up, only to be met with blue eyes. Introduction? Well everyone... Meet Justin Rodgers. The captain of the football team and also the guy Connor was fighting with the first day back to school. This is one of those dickheads and Connor's arch nemesis.

"Hi." I say back looking back at my phone.

"I'm Justin." He says extending his hand out for me to shake it.

"I know who you are." I say looking back at my phone,  not bothering to shake his hand.

"Oh, wait... How?"

"You're the captain of the football team and also slept around with many girls. Whoever doesn't know you, must either be blind, deaf or retarded."

"Well then I guess you aren't blind, deaf or retarded." He says chuckling. "Uhmm so... Kaylee. I was wondering if you'd like to go on a date with me Friday night?"



"Are you perhaps deaf?"

"She said no Rodgers. Back the fuck up." Another familiar voice says from behind Justin. Yup. I know that voice. What the fuck is he standing up for me for? I can stand up for myself.

"Uhmm dickhead number 2? I can stand up for myself you know?" I say to Connor.

"Who says I'm standing up for you?"

"Can both of you assholes leave me alone?"

"Not until I get a yes. My friend is throwing this party at his house Friday night, everyone is going. Please be my date?" Justin asks. This guy just can't handle the word no, can he?

"What don't you understand? I don't want to go out with you! Get that in your thick skull!" I yell causing the whole class to stare at me.

"You're such a fucken bitch! Maybe you are blind! Do you not see how sexy I am?! Oh go fuck yourself! You're ugly anyway !" Justin yells even louder. There is that word again "ugly". Just ignore it Kay. Just ignore the asshole.

Nope. Can't.

"Oh please. Sexy? You're the blind one. There is nothing sexy about you. I would never date you or sleep with you and for your information. I don't get hurt by names. So get the fuck away from me and go find someone else to play games with because I'm not budging. Bye bye." I say shooing him along.

"You fucking bitch!" Justin yells looking like he was about to punch me in the face. I brace myself for it as people gasp in surprise. I was waiting for it but then nothing happened. I opened my eyes to the sight of Connor holding Justin's fist back. That's when I take the chance and punch Justin right in the face. POW!

"My fucking nose ! You bitch! You broke my nose!" Justin yells from the ground holding his bloody nose. Oops.

Ms Richards walks in the classroom to the scenery. She gasps at the sight of Justin on the ground with a bleeding nose, me with bruised knuckles and a very pissed off Connor.

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