Chapter 16 My girl

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Connor's POV

I look at Kaylee on the base of the ring. She's just laying there, not moving. Why is she not moving? What happened? Wait...NO!

I bent down on my knees to check if she is still breathing. Fuck! She is breathing but it's very weak. What have I done!

"Kaylee?" I say trying to wake her up. I lift her slightly up to my lap. "Come on babe wake up." I say putting the lose strands of hair behind her ear.

"What the fuck have you done?! Why would you knock her out and hit her by her lung!?" Kenny yells and lifts her up out of my arms. I tried to stop him but he pushed me out of the way. He took her out of the ring towards a room at the back. Everyone following after him. None of them said anything. They all seem like they are in shock. Fuck I'm in shock.

When she kicked me to the ground I went blank, I hardly remember what I did. Fuck, she is never gonna forgive me for this. Fuck! I'm not gonna forgive myself for this! What if she doesn't wake up!?

Oh God. This is my fault. How many times does it take until I stop hurting her!

I begin standing by the door of the room that looks like a nursing room. I start pulling on my hair. I can't hear anything, why can't I hear anything? Why is everything going in slow motion?

"Connor!" Tyler yells in my face. "Bro! Calm down!" He says shaking my shoulders to snap out of it. Well I guess I can hear now.

"It's all my fault. Ty, I went blank. I'm so sorry, I didn't do it on purpose. What have I done?" I feel like my chest is closing up on me. I need to see her. Why did I agree to this stupid match?

Fuck. I punched the wall. I'll pay for the hole later. Great. Now my hand is bleeding too.

"Connor! Calm the fuck down! She is going to be fine!" Tyler yells and then turns to Kenny. A woman is nursing Kaylee. "Kenny, Connor has this problem. When he gets really upset he tends to black out and not remember much of what happens when he blacks out. If we knew that Kaylee would upset him in that way then we wouldn't have let her fight him. Please believe me, he didn't mean to do this."

"I believe you." Kenny says.

"Wait... You do? Why?" Ty asks.

"Same thing happened to me when I was younger. Look Connor. Don't panic, she is fine. You just knocked her out and her lung is fine too so you can calm down." Kenny says. Once he said that I let a breathe out. God, she is gonna be the death of me. " Can I talk to you in private?" He asks. I nod in response. We walk outside and into an office. He then closes the door. "You care about her." Well I didn't see that coming, I thought he was going to kick my ass.

"Uhmm..." I have no idea what to say. Do I care about her? I mean, why the fuck did I panic like that a few seconds ago. Is this what caring for someone feels like ?

"Listen, Kaylee is like a daughter to me. She isn't good with letting people into her life. I can tell that you care about her because when you realised what you've done, you looked like your whole life shattered Infront of your eyes. You were so worried that she may have been dead. You looked like you were gonna break down at any second."

"I was not going to break down." I roll my eyes. Me? Cry? Yeah right.

"Yeah whatever you say jackass." I smile at the nickname he used. Oh God Kaylee, what are you doing to me? "Listen, you're really good at fighting. The only problem is controlling your anger. I can help with that. I overcame it and not going to lie, I was a boxing champion. What do you say?" He asks. Why is he helping me?

"I don't want to hurt her again. I can't hurt her again."

"And you won't, if you learn to control your anger. Think about it. Let me know by Monday. I'll be here." He says. "Come on, let's go check on your girl." My girl? Why did that make me feel happy to hear? Gosh Kaylee Summers, you're driving me insane.
Why wait for old age or a disease to kill me when I have Kaylee to do that for me.

Fuck it. She has always just been so intriguing since 5th grade when I first layed my eyes on her. Since then, I never had the guts to speak to her. Instead I would watch her from the sidelines and do stupid things like beat Justin up for wanting to make a move on her the first day of school. No one knows what that fight was about. I know I kinda sound stalkerish but I always felt overprotective over her. I don't know why. I need to know why. Why was I so shy? Why did I give a fuck. Why does she drive me so insane?!


Mmm hi😊 hope you are enjoying. Excuse my grammar or mistakes. I'm still trying to get use to typing so much again.

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