Chapter 17 I will cut his balls off!

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Tyler's POV

Fuck. I'm so stupid! She made me upset during our match, how could I have not thought that she would have probably made Connor upset too which would've caused him to turn into the incredible hulk. I could've prevented this!

"Come on babe wake up." Connor says to Kaylee. She isn't waking up. Connor is going to lose his shit if she doesn't wake up, the guilt would eat him alive. Come on Kay, wake up. Kenny yells at Connor and takes her out of his arms and begins exiting the ring and walked towards the back of the club. We all follow after them. I look at Connor behind us. He looks like he is going to break down at any second. Fuck! This is all my fault!

As we enter the room, Kenny places Kaylee onto a bed. This seems to be a nursing room.

A woman with blonde hair, about Kenny's age. Early thirties maybe, is standing there in shock.

"What happened?!" She yells in shock. God she better calm down before I break down too.

"Long story hun. Can you check up on her lung please and if anything is wrong with her?" Kenny asks. Hun? I look at his hand and notice a wedding ring and then I look over to the blonde and notice she has a wedding ring too. That must be Kenny's wife. She begins examining her. Everyone seems to be in shock at the moment that no one is speaking.

I look over towards the door where Connor is standing. He looks like shit right now. I walk over to him.

"Connor!" I yell, that seemed to have snapped him out of whatever he was thinking."Bro! Calm down!" I yell again then began shaking his shoulders so he can snap back to normal.

"It's all my fault. Ty, I went blank. I'm so sorry, I didn't do it on purpose. What have I done?" Connor says then he begins pulling at his hair again. Fuck, I don't know what to do. I haven't seen him panic like this before.

Suddenly he walks towards the wall and punches a hole in it. Great. He'll pay for it later. How didn't he feel that? His hand is bleeding and he looked like he just punched a piece of paper.

"Connor! Calm the fuck down! She is going to be fine!" I yell again . I then turns to Kenny as his wife nurses on Kaylee. "Kenny, Connor has this problem. When he gets really upset he tends to black out and not remember much of what happens when he blacks out. If we knew that Kaylee would upset him in that way then we wouldn't have let her fight him. Please believe me, he didn't mean to do this."

"I believe you." Kenny says.

"Wait... You do? Why?" I ask. He looked like he wouldn't believe anything I had to say and punch me in the face instead.

"Same thing happened to me when I was younger. Look Connor. Don't panic, she is fine. You just knocked her out and her lung is fine too so you can calm down." Kenny says. Once he said that I let a breathe out. Phew, damn Kaylee you're such a fighter! You go girl! I really hope this calms Connor down now though. " Can I talk to you in private?" Kenny asks Connor as he nods in response. They walk outside and into an office. He then closes the door.

I sit down on the couch as Kenny's wife fixes Kaylee up. Everyone does the same. They all still haven't said anything.

After a while Kenny came back and then a minute later he was followed by Connor. I wonder what they were speaking about. I'll ask him later.


Liz's POV

Everything happened so fast. One moment she looked like she had everything under control. The next she is laying in Connor's arms unconscious. I feel like I'm frozen in place. Why can't I move ? Why can't I speak? I should be helping my best friend right now but I feel completely useless. I have never seen Kaylee like this before. Connor and Tyler did though, after the accident but that's only because Kaylee's parents would only let them see her, since Connor gave her his lung but I have no idea why Tyler was allowed to see her. I've been her best friend since kindergarten and all of a sudden Connor and Tyler show up and now it's like they are taking my place. I hate this. I hate feeling completely useless.

How dare Connor White do that to my best friend! I should kill him right now! But the problem is that Kaylee would probably be heart broken since she had a crush on him since the 5th grade. She has never told me she has a crush on him but I'm her best friend, I should he able to tell. She is really good at hiding how she feels but I've figured her out long ago. I would've confronted her but I knew she would he upset at me because she hates admitting things. She has always denied when she wasn't okay or when something was wrong she would always act like it was nothing. She has spent years keeping everything to herself because she was scared someone would know too much and then leave her but I would never leave her.

I just wish she would open up to me for once. She is so strong, she will get through this. I bet she will be awake in a few minutes again. Until then I have to stay calm and try not to kill Connor.

He looks like shit. Good. He should feel guilty for hurting my best friend. Although I kinda feel bad, he looks like he is about the have a breakdown. Mmm. Looks like someone has a crush on my best friend. It's about time he realised it. I've noticed since 5th grade that Connor would always be watching Kaylee and making sure no one would ask her out, it was kind of cute but then it kinda got scary when he beat Justin up the first day of school because Justin wanted to make a move on Kaylee. It's about time they both came out of their boxes. I'm glad they are whatever they are. Maybe they will become a couple. Ohhhh I can't wait. Although I really wanna kick him in his balls for hurting her and if he ever hurts her again unintentionally or not, I will cut his balls off !

Mmm, Kaylee Summers and Connor White. It's about freaking time.

I'm so happy and yet so angry at the same time. Gosh, I'm weird.

I look around the room to see Kenny enter and a minute later Connor follows. I didn't even notice they left. I should really quit spacing out.


Nick's POV

Kenny enters the room after a minute Connor showed up too.

I can't believe he did that to her?! I don't give a fuck if he couldn't control it or not. She is one of my best friends and she didn't deserve that. Calm down Nick, we can't kill him, he is your ride home. Breathe. Shit, Kyle is gonna murder him if he finds out what he did.

"Guys." I say causing everyone to look in my direction. "Kyle can't know about this." I say which causes the girls eyes to widen probably realising the same thing. Kyle was very overprotective over Kaylee. If anyone hurt her then they would probably end up in hospital.

"Shit, I forgot about Kyle." Liz hisses.

"Where is Kyle anyway?" Kenny asks.

"He has things to take care of but that's not the point, how are we gonna keep this from him? I mean I'm super upset that Connor hurt her but I don't think I'm that upset that I want him dead." I say and look over to Connor.

"Uhm, why are you speaking about me like I'm not here?" Connor asks. I roll my eyes.

"Well asshole. Kyle is like Kaylee's big brother, if anyone hurts her... Let's just say Kyle doesn't take it well and if you want to stay in Kaylee's life you need to stay on Kyle's good side because Kaylee won't hesitate to choose Kyle over having you in her life." Liz says. She is right. Kaylee would never let anything get in the way of her friendships with any of us, especially Kyle and Liz.

"I don't care what he does or if he finds out about it or not. I deserve whatever comes at me." Connor says looking away. Damn, I knew he felt guilty but he looks like shit. I feel bad now.

"Well then I guess we don't need to worry about Kyle finding out if jackass doesn't care." Miley says.

"I guess." I say.

"I'm sorry to ask but Kenny? Is this your wife?" Tyler asks him gesturing to Danelle.

"Oh sorry yes. Connor, Tyler. This is my wife Danelle. Danelle, this is two of Kaylee's other friend's Connor and Tyler." Kenny says.

"Nice to meet you guys." She says. Danelle doesn't speak much although she does act like our mother sometimes. There was a time that we all came here every Friday after school and trained but since school started we haven't been here in a while. Guess we all have been too busy.

Suddenly I heard a groan. I look around the room but suddenly my eyes snapped to Kaylee. Slowly her eyes fluttered open

Oh thank God. She is awake.


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