Name: Leo Egon
Birthday: February 8th
Age: 22
Personality: Sweet, Kind, Caring, Stubborn, Shy, Strong, Protective, Athletic, Clever, Anxious
Sexuality: Gay
Gender: Male
Parents: Hate him
Siblings: None
Looks: Short hair that he dyes a lot but mainly brown, Blue/green eye mix
Relationship status: Single
About them: Loner, Loves music, Loves animals, Loves nature, Sings, Dances, Artist, Plays instruments, Self harms, Smokes and drinks
Anxious Boy
AdventureAnxious Boy is about a boy who is struggling in life and runs off to LA to try and have a better life. What will happen when he meets a few people? Will there be love or hate? Will they be there for each other till the end or not?