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"I'm sure this is her Boss"

"What the fuck will I do to you, if you got the wrong girl!?"

I feel like tied on a chair, with a cloth on my mouth preventing me to make any noise. I can't open my eyes and my head is throbbing like crazy. I hear guys talking.

"You can kill me Boss, if this is not the girl you are talking about"

"Okay, if you say so. What's your name doll?!" A guy slapped me in my cheeks, I did my best to open my eyes, I did. And saw two guys. I feel blood inside my mouth, and on the side of my lips. I'm so scared. Who are these assholes?

"Answer me-!!" The guy was about to slap me again but someone talk. "She wouldn't answer if you kept doing that to here" The guy from the corner of the room said and lightened his cigarette. "What's you're name?" He walked towards me and said it in a calm voice.

"" My hands is shaking, this is so terrifying, the guy that slapped me mouthed something then punched the other guy, not the one who lightened the cigarette. "See! She's not the fucking girl you dumbass! I gave you simple fucking mission and you fucking screwed it up!" The guy who slapped the guy shouted at the guy he slapped who was laying in the floor.

"B-But, she looks like a snack, Boss" the guy manage to say while he looked at me. The guy who punched looked at me, then down to my legs. He smirked, "yeah, you're right, she's actually does" he smirked again. "Bring her to my room Minhyuk, we'll have some fun darling" he leaned closer to my face.

My heart started beating faster, and I feel my body shaking. The 'Minhyuk' guy who is the one that is smoking. Untied my wrist and the rope wrapped around me. He forced me to get up so I did, when he dragged me calmly out of the room. He removed the cloth on my mouth.

I don't know what the hell is happening!

He started to drag me somewhere then it ended into a hallway full of doors. "Don't worry, I'm not gonna hurt you" he said calmly. He gave me his coat and covered me, before he was about to talk.

Some thing exploded, followed by many gunshots. He opened the door then pushed me inside there, I gasped of course. But before he closed the door he said, "Stay here and don't you ever go out. If you want to live, trust me" he said then I nod. He closed the door.

The room is dark, I started to find the light switch and found it. I pushed it and the lights went open. The room was full of cans, bottles, it looks like someone had a party here. The cans are splattered everywhere.

I don't know where the hell am I and who the hell are they. A painting caught my attention, I didn't looked on what I was stepping. I stepped into the cans and the glass bottles in the shelves fell which cause to make a clattering sounds.



"Oh, if this isn't the traitors" A guy with black hair said while spinning his gun in his fingers.

"What the fuck are you doing Jeon?!'

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