treinta y uno

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Jungkook will leave tomorrow night at 8:00 pm, he will go to Thailand for a meeting I guess. He has been busy these days, I don't complain. He will secretly go to our room in the middle of the night and shower my face with kisses.

I know we've been together for months now, but I still don't now the name of their gang. Maybe I'll just ask later when he is not busy enough. And Yuju has been acting weirdly kind to me, as if she really wants Jungkook to go to Thailand.

"Yah, Minatozaki Sana, are you okay?" Someone interrupts my thoughts and I blinked a few times realizing I just zoned out. "Uhm, yeah, I'm fine" I said. "You really remind me of her....." Yoongi muttered.

"Who could possibly the person I remind you of?" I asked, curiosity visible on my voice. "You just remind me of my younger sister..." He said and took a sip of Hoseok's orange juice. "Yah! That's mine!" Hoseok shouted on Yoongi.

"Shout on my face when I care, Hoseok" he said coldly to him. Hoseok rolled his eyes and continued playing with his phone. "Oh, where is she now?" I asked softly.

"She died.....a long time ago..." He looked down. "Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-" he cuts me off, "No,no, it was fine, really. You both have the same personality and age, so I thought you were her" he said. "Hyung, we will leave tonight at 8:00 pm. Boss said to prepare all papers and he wants it in 10 minutes!" Taehyung said while panting.

Those papers are so many, I already saw it because Yoongi just came out from that room where all the papers are placed. Yoongi face palmed himself since 10 minutes is not enough time. "Taehyung, tell him that i love him so much" I said, Taehyung ran off then came back with a smile on his face.

"Good news Hyungs, he said we can take our time, thanks to you Sana. He was really not in the mood right now and was about to kick me out of his office but I said what you said and his cheeks reddened and he smile, Uwu" Taehyung said with a smile still plastered on his face.

|5:30 pm|

I want to refresh myself so I went to our room and showered. I wore this:

I admit I want to come to Jungkook to Thailand, but he said that it's too dangerous and risky because he was aware of having an attack there like what happened when we went to Japan

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I admit I want to come to Jungkook to Thailand, but he said that it's too dangerous and risky because he was aware of having an attack there like what happened when we went to Japan. And I miss Jin because he was not here for 3 days, he was with Namjoon in Busan for a mission.

When I came downstairs I saw Jin beside the door and Jungkook. I open my arms and Jungkook also did, I want to tease him so... I walked right pass him and hugged Jin.

"Baby, what the fuck?" He said with irritation visible in his voice. "Oh, you think I'm gonna hug you?" I said trying to hide my smile and laugh. "정말 미안 해요 (I'm really sorry)" I said and pecked his lips.

"Sanaaaaaaaaa!!!!!" I heard someone groan. I looked and it was Jackson. "Why are you ruining our moment?" Jungkook glared at him and said coldly to him. "幫我在這裡可愛的餡餅, 班巴姆是殺了我與他的泰國語言 (Help me here cutie pie, BamBam is killing me with his Thai language)" Jackson groaned.

They all look confused of what Jackson said. He actually said it in Chinese Cantonese or the language in China. I understand it because it was one of the languages that I learned and I chuckled, "然後用你的中文殺了他 (then kill him with your Chinese language)" I said.

Jackson smirked then started talking to BamBam in Chinese Cantonese, the hardest among the three. BamBam looked so confused what Jackson is saying. I looked at them and continuously chuckling. Jungkook held my hand and I looked at him in the eyes.

"Can I have you alone now?" He said softly, "okay, I guess" I said and we went upstairs to his room and we stayed in the balcony. "I'm glad that you found that necklace" he said and pointed at the heart-shaped sapphire necklace that he gave me. "Of course I'll find's from you" I said.

"God, I'll miss you so much" he went closer to me and kissed me. He slid his tongue in making me widened my eyes, we did this many times but I guess it's just....I don't know, not used to it? I guess?

He bit my bottom lip then broke the kiss, "Baby you said you wanted to learn what and how is French Kiss, right?" He said and I nodded. "While kissing, push your tongue inside my mouth and roam it around" he said.

"Do that or else I'll cancel my flight to Thailand and fuck you so hard, so rough" he said which made me gulp, "okay, fine" I said and rolled my eyes playfully at him.

I went closer to him and started kissing him, after few seconds I hesitantly slid my tongue inside of his mouth. When my tongue met his I let out a sound. "Ahh"

"You're mine and only mine, okay?" He said in between kisses, "Answer me baby....." He broke the kiss, "you're mine only, okay?" He repeated and I nodded with my eyes closed.

7:30 pm

Jungkook came out of the bathroom wearing a suit, he was facing the mirror and I looked at him and he was struggling with his tie. I walked towards him and arrange it for him. While arranging it, I feel his eyes on me. "What would I do without you my love?" He asked softly.

"You'll be a total hot mess, my love" I mimicked his 'my love' he smiled, he placed my the palm of my hand to the left side of his chest and I feel his heartbeat. "Feel that beating faster?......It's because of you......" He said sweetly.

"I love you Jungkook-ah" I whispered, "I love you more than everything my baby" he said and kissed my forehead. I followed him outside because their private jet is waiting there. They all look fine in that suit, they look like professionals, well they ARE. Jungkook kissed my lips softly for good 3 minutes, then I kissed his forehead.

"I'll miss you" I said, "I'll miss you too" he said. "Go now, please be safe and don't die" I said. He took a glance at me for the last time then went inside, I'll miss you Jungkook-ah......

Watching the jet leave, I went inside the house and feel empty cause they are not here....


"Is our plan settled?"

"Yes boss, this will be a sure win for us"


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