treinta y ocho

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I was sitting on a chair with a coffee in my hand. I'm in Japan, I was waiting for her to come out. Once I found out that she is still alive...... I'll get her,and won't let her out of my arms.

"Jungkook we've been waiting here for almost, 3 fucking hours" Yoongi Hyung complained, "Hyung stop complaining the fuck up, it's just a matter of time. You know I've been dreaming to see her again for 4 fucking years, if it's only.... possible" I hissed at him.

"Whatever Jungkook. What if-" he stopped talking when she came out of the building. She looks just like her....... "Sana?" He looked so confused about what he is seeing right now.

"Miss wait!" I started running towards her, she turned around and I was already in front of her. "Sana!" I held her wrist tightly and she seem annoyed. I really thought it was her....

"I'm sorry you might have been mistake Sir. My name is Sanha, not Sana" she said politely, "But that's impossible cause you look like her!" Yoongi said which made her confused even more.

"I'm really sorry, I'm not Sana. I have a meeting to attend to, I hope you find who are you looking for" she said and walked away.

But you're the one I've been looking for...

"Jungkook what the fuck?" Yoongi Hyung seemed confused, "Let's go home" I tried my best to sound okay. I can't believe it.....she looks just like her.

We went to our car then straight to our warehouse here in Japan.

"Oh, Boss!" I heard a bitchy and sluty voice. I turned around and it was Yuju. "Uhm, are you free tonight Jungkook?" She said in a seductive voice. I didn't answered her but I just rolled my eyes at her and walked away.


While walking out of Building 1 of my Company, 2 guys approached me. They look so familiar, I tried to recall if they are a part of my past but. I guess they aren't, "Sana!" The jet black haired guy held my wrist tightly.

I yanked my wrist away from him gently, "I'm sorry you might have been mistaken Sir. My name is Sanha not Sana" I said politely, "But that's impossible you look like her!" The guy with dyed hair said.

"I'm really sorry, I'm not Sana. I have a meeting to attend to, I hope you find who are you looking for" I said politely then bowed and walked away.

When I'm in front of Building 2 of MTZK Enterprise. I looked back and saw them enter a sports car. They look, really familiar.

I blinked many times then went inside cause the meeting starts in minutes. I enter the elevator and pushed the button to the very top floor of this building.

 I enter the elevator and pushed the button to the very top floor of this building

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hile discussing the things regarding to the new building in Korea in front of my workers and guests. I feel my head started to spin. I held on the chair right in front of me and Umji noticed my sudden change.

"CEO Minatozaki? Are you fine?" She asked while furrowing her eyebrows. "Yeah, I just-" I didn't finished my sentence, I suddenly fainted and fell on the floor.


We rushed her to the hospital cause she looks so pale. She was laying on the bed, still unconscious. Umji and Chanyeol went out to buy her a ramen. I was watching her beautiful face while she was sleeping, she's so kind. I really feel guilty for hiding it all to her...


"Yeah uhm, her name is 'Minatozaki Sanha' with the 'H' not Sana. She's 21 years old, CEO of MTZK Enterprise, and the net worth of- damn! This girl is fucking rich! The net worth of 3.9 Quintillion US Dollars!" Namjoon shouted, all of us are shocked.

Even me, even if my net worth is 98. 3 Quadrillion US Dollars. "But she has the same surname as....Sana" Jimin muttered, "Yeah, we ran up to her earlier this afternoon and she doesn't knows us, even Jungkook. Maybe it's just a coincidence, it's impossible. We watched her die in a car bombing fucking incident" Yoongi said, in his voice there's a tint of sadness mixed to it.

"I miss you baby" I whispered.

• • •

'叁拾捌' is pronounced as 'sānshíbā' again, in Chinese but I read is as 'Sana Shiba' lmao.

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