sesenta y cinco

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I woke up with a throbbing pain on my head, I rubbed my eyes together, I heard the door open and when I fully open my eyes I saw Jungkook. He was wearing a turtleneck black long sleeves shirt.

"Morning baby" he smiles. "Good Morning" I lazily said and massage my temples. "My head hurts what happened last night?" I said and he gave me a smirk. I looked at him in confusion,

He removed his shirt, revealing his toned abs and perfect body. I gulped from the sight of his abs and he noticed it. Then, I saw his neck that is full of hickies. I gasped and he smirks at me.

"See that?" He pointed his hickies, "You did that" he smirked and I blushed. I recalled everything that happened last night. "Holy shit" I said in a low tone while remembering what I did to him last night.

"For a pretty mouth like yours, you curse a lot" he said. "I don't curse a lot. Look who's talking" I rolled my eyes at him and stood up. Then I was suddenly shoved and pinned to the wall. I looked at him with widened eyes.

He was getting closer on my face so I closed my eyes. I feel his lips on mine, "I love you so much, I- I can't imagine a life without you, you're my everything, you and Jinwoo are my world and strength" he said against my lips. I kissed him, I did the first move and not him.

It was just a short kiss, then I broke the kiss and hugged him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and buried my face in his neck. I also feel him wrap his muscular arms around my waist. "I love you too Jungkook" I said.

We just stared at each other and smiled, "You're so handsome" I said and chuckled. He chuckled, "And you're beautiful my wife" he says.

Few Minutes Later

There's an emergency at the warehouse so he has to leave early. Jinwoo is still sleeping so I asked the nanny to wake him up and get him dressed. I took a quick shower and wore my clothes.

After that I went downstairs and saw Jinwoo who is dressed up and he was just drinking his milk that is placed into a bottle. "I'm excited for school" he says, "Yeah, school is the best, you get to learn on how to read, know other people and make friends" I smiled. "Eomma, if I'm older now would I be like Appa?" He asks.

I let out a small chuckle. "Will I be as strong as him?" He asks again. "You'll be Jinwoo" I caressed his cheeks. "Eomma" he calls out and I hummed in response. "I love you" I smiled and pecked his forehead. "I love you more"

Namsan International Kindergarten

I'm here outside the school watching Jinwoo play with other kids. This weird feeling has been bothering me, I feel like someone is watching. I started to roam my eyes around and then saw a guy dressed in all black, he was wearing a black cap, shades, mask, hoodie, pants and shoes. But in his hoodie, there was a white skull.

I met eyes with him. Then Jinwoo called me making me turn my head away from that guy. Who was he? I turned back to his direction and he is gone. My breathing is uneven as I feel my body tense up.


We went straight here since Jinwoo wants to play with his Uncles. I still can't get that guy off of my mind. "Sana are you okay? I turned around to see Namjoon. "Yeah, I'm fine" I said and took a deep sigh.

"Oh okay, just came here to tell you that we will go to Maldives this week" he says and I nodded. He took the left, I called Tzuyu and invited them because Jungkook wants them to come so that Jinwoo can play with them. They said they can come which is great.

"Black hoodie, white skull" I mumbled to myself, I closed my eyes and took a deep sigh. I went to the area where Jinwoo and his uncles are playing.

"Hey Mrs. Jeon" Jin greeted me and I did the same. "What happened to you? You look frustrated and worried this day" Taehyung says and furrowed his eyebrows. "It's nothing really I'm fi-" I didn't get to finish my sentence cause Yoongi came in. "I got the files from the gang that was threatening us" he said to them, "That's great!" Jimin said.

Taehyung got up from his seat and looked at the files, "Wah, what kind of logo is this? So ugly" he cringed, "Their logo is so cliché" Hoseok laughed real hard. "Where will I put it?" Yoongi asks. "Just out it in JK's office" Jin said. I just became so curious about that logo....

"Eomma what will happen if Appa will get killed during gang fights?" I flinched a little bit then looked down to see my son tugging on my dress. I sat down,p right beside him, "Baby, he's not going to die. Why did you suddenly thought of that?" I furrowed my eyebrows, "Nothing, I just watched a movie and the guy who is the leader of a gang died..." He pouted.

"I love Appa I don't want him dead" he said while pouting, "he's not going to die, you know your Appa is strong. And one'll be as strong as him" I smiled and caressed his cheeks. "Really?" His face brightened up. I closed my eyes, smiled and nodded.

Jinwoo was watching cartoons with his Uncle Taehyung and Jimin, those guys never grew up. Everyone was doing their work, some of the guys are in a mission today. I went upstairs and then to Jungkook's office.

I walked towards his table and searched for the files that Yoongi placed in here. Then after a few minutes, I finally found it. I opened the files and my palms started to water. The gang is called, 'white skull mafia' then I saw the logo......

It was the same thing I saw's a white skull.

I started to read about their informations, they are planning on attacking Jungkook's Mafia. W-Will something happen now that they now that......Jungkook has a wife.....more worse.....a child

I got scared. I placed the files to where it was before then went downstairs and acted like nothing happened. I quickly opened the fridges and took some bottle of wine. I poured some on a glass, wine is the only thing I drink or do when I'm scared....or worried....

I didn't finished the whole bottle of wine, just the halfway of it. I put it back in the fridge before someone sees. "Ahh, I finally saw you" I turned around and saw Jungkook looking at me.

He walks towards me and pulled me for a tight hug, "I miss you, I miss you even though it's just hours of being away from you" he mumbled. He was about to broke the hug but I pulled him again. "Babygirl is clingy?" He chuckled, "It's fine...I love it" he says....

"Baby..." He calls out, I hummed in response as I took a sniff from his chest and he smells really manly. "Why are you so pretty?" He smiled. "I don't's because I'm your wife? I guess" I giggled. "Damn, right" he says jokingly. He looks at my lips for a second.

"Nice lipstick......too bad I'm gone remove that using my lips"

After he said that, he crashed his lips with me. He cupped my face and just kissed me passionately. I kissed back, he bit my lip so hard that it almost bleed.

"Appa why are you eating Eomma's lips? there's food in the kitchen"

I got startled by a small cute voice, I broke the kiss and looked at my son who is standing there. "U-Uhm" I stuttered. Did he just saw? He was looking at us innocently.

"It's okay Eomma and Appa, Uncle Jimin and Namjoon said that kissing is the first step on making new babies, please continue because I want one"

What the frickle frackle did these guys told to my 2 year-old son!?


"He has a wife. Boss there's a good news......he has a son"

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