sesenta y seis

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Jinwoo is very excited to see a beach. We're going to Maldives which I'm excited too because I've never been there. I just finished packing Jinwoo's clothes, it's already 10:30 pm. I'm alone in our room, me and Jungkook had an argument, his jealousy is too much.

I'm just laying in our bed, I'm really tired, I feel my eyes getting heavier. This is the first time we had an argument, I hear the door being opened and I looked who it was.

"Eomma,..." I sat up and saw Jinwoo in the door holding his bottle with milk. "Oh Jinwoo, why aren't you sleeping?" I asked, "I can't sleep" he said and made me chuckle, "you can sleep here" I smiled.

He walks towards me then went up on the bed. I lay right beside him and he started drinking his milk in a bottle, I started to play with his hair until he finally sleeps. I heard the door being opened, I closed my eyes and pretended to sleep. I feel him sit on the edge of the bed,


I'm really pissed to that guy who fucking hugged her, we had an argument and I went to the basement to let all my anger out. Imagining someone touching what's mine, made me throw my gun on the wall.

"The fuck happened to you?" I turned around and saw my sister looking at me weirdly while leaning against the wall with her hands crossed against her chest. "None of your business" I said coldly.

"Yes it is also my business, dumbass" she rolled her eyes, "Don't tell me you had an argument with her" she said in a serious tone. I told her everything what happened and she just fucking laughed at me.

"Are you fucking serious Jeon Jungkook? It was just a fucking hug" she said while laughing at me. "He fucking touched what's mine, okay?" I said coldly. "Tsk, stop acting like a baby you brat. Go and be a real husband and say sorry to your wife" she said seriously and walked out.

That hit me..

I went home then walked upstairs, I walked inside our room and saw her with Jinwoo. I sat on the edge of the bed and sighed.

"Babe, I know your awake....." I said softly, no response. "Baby" I said softly and placed my hand on her cheek. This moment, she opened her eyes and looked at me. She raised her eyebrows, the way she looks at me is enough to tell that she was mad at me.

"What do you want Jeon Jungkook?" She said sternly, I pulled her towards me and hugged her tightly, "I'm sorry, I'm really sorry wifey. I shouldn't have acted that way, I'm so sorry please forgive me"

After I begged, I finally felt her wrapping her arms around me. "I'd rather lose an argument then lose you" I said, " what do you mean by 'lose you' ?" She asks, "I'm afraid that you will leave me" I said.

She broke the hug, "Hubby, I'm not gonna leave you. Never, I'll be with you for the rest of my life" she said then crashed her lips to mine.

She broke the kiss and looked at me deeply in the eyes. I was about to grab the nape of her neck but she held my hand. "That's enough of the kissing, let's sleep it's already late" she chuckled, I honestly want more of that precious luscious sweet lips of hers..."But baby~" I whined.

"Shhh your son is sleeping" she placed her index finger on her lips signaling me to shut up. "Okay fine, I'll let you win....for now" I smirked. "Baby" I said and she hummed in response, "I remembered that night when we made this beautiful boy" I said and smirked while caressing Jinwoo's cheeks, I looked over and saw her blushing.

"Enough of that Jungkook" she chuckled, "Get dressed and let's sleep" she added and started to cover herself with the bedsheets, "Alright, sleep tight baby, we have a trip tomorrow" I kissed her forehead, "Goodnight" I said.


We are all sitting in the couch, I mean all, my babygirl's friends, Soyeon, GoT7 and my Hyungs. Hoseok Hyung is talking to me but I can't focus on what he was saying, I- I just can't stop watching her. She's so beautiful in that outfit.

"And then he- are you even listening to what I'm saying?" I blinked a few times then looked at Hoseok Hyung. "What?" I said coldly to him, he rolled his eyes "Nevermind" he said then stood up and walked out.

One of my men walked towards me "Uhmm, Boss the plane is ready" he said. "Call everyone and guard them to the plane. Now" I said coldly. Everyone went to the plane and they are all amazed.

"Damn Sana, you're living the life of a queen" I heard Momo says, "Come on let's go" Sana said and we all went inside. The plane is large enough for everyone. I bought this plane last month, it's 30 Billion Dollars, I bought it from US.


Finally after hours and hours of flight, we are now here in Maldives. That was a really long flight, Jinwoo is still sleeping in Sana's arms. We arrived here at my house. Yes, I have houses here in Maldives. I have 3 houses in total.

My men started taking their bags inside, It's 3:00 pm, the sun is there burning our skins, so we went inside. I looked at Sana and she was holding Jinwoo because he was sleeping. I walked towards them, "He looks tired" I said. "Yeah, he is. He didn't slept in the plane" she said.

I pecked Jinwoo's forehead and took him from her arms. "Look at my baby he's still sleeping, isn't he so cute" I cooed while looking at his baby face. "I'm just gonna go over to Tzuyu" she said and I nodded.

"Awww, my nephew looks just like his Appa" Jimin Hyung said as he moves his face towards Jinwoo's. Jimin Hyung pecked his forehead, "Jungkook, we have some information about that gang" he says. "What?" I asked, "we found out that they had some connection with Mr. Young" he said and I became serious.

"JINWOO MY CHILD-!!" Jimin Hyung cut Jin Hyung, "Shut up Hyung he is sleeping" he said. "Oh, sorry" Jin Hyung covered his mouth. "Hyung, the gang has a connection to Mr. Young"

"Mr. Young? The Chinese guy?" Jin Hyung asked and Jimin Hyung nodded. "Hyungs, I'm not here to take care of my Mafia. I'm here to spend time with my wife and son, I'll take care of that once I'm back in Korea. My family is more important then that" I said, they looked at each other and nodded. Jinwoo started to open his eyes. "Oh, Baby is awake let's go find your Eomma" I whispered to Jinwoo but enough for them to hear then I walked out.


"I'm happy for him" Jin smiled, "Yeah me too. He changed" Jimin said and smiled too.

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