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I was looking around then I feel someone's eyes on me. My eyes landed on Jungkook and.... He was leaning on the couch, with his legs crossed together, drinking champagne while looking at me.

But there's something in his first eyes that I can't explain. As if he just want to hover above me in bed and kiss me. He bit his lips and licked them, "Come here..." He gestured me to sit beside him so I did.

He kept sniffing my neck, and his warm breath on my earlobe. He placed soft kisses on my neck and shoulder. I looked at him over my shoulders and there was really something in his eyes.

"Sana....I just....I just love you so bad" he muttered then grabbed the nape of my neck and started kissing me. I don't know what to do, I'm not familiar with all of these.


He said he just want to go home and dragged me out of the party. As soon as we both stepped inside the house. He slowly walk towards me and pinned me to the wall.

He slowly leans towards me, making me close my eyes. I feel him kiss my lips. Not in a hungry or lust way, but it was slow and lovingly.


While kissing for almost 30 seconds, Sana stopped making Jungkook confused. She shamelessly looked down, "J-Jungkook, I.... Don't know any of these things.........I-I-" Jungkook cut her off, "Don't worry my love, just follow what I am doing...." He seductively whispered in her ear sending shivers down her spine.

He went back to her lips and kissing her once again, he bit her bottom lip making her eyes widened and Jungkook smirk. He was asking for an entrance to her wet cavern, but, you know Sana is too innocent.

He grabbed her ass and squeezed it making her gasp, giving an opportunity for Jungkook to slid his tongue in. Jungkook's hands made there way to her waist, roaming his hands around her perfect body. Sana was about to wrap her arms around his neck but she stop.... "It's okay to touch me babygirl..........I want you to"

Jungkook also removed her necklace that he gave and let it fall on the floor, even if it costs more than millions. Jungkook carried her bridal-style, and went up to their room. Jungkook sat her on the edge of their bed then he went out to grab something. Then, the lights suddenly shut off making her gasp.

"J-Jungkook-ah, where are you?" She called but there's no response, "I'm here babygirl" she stood up and went to the area where she thinks the owner of the voice is standing.

Then all of the sudden her vision became all black, because Jungkook blindfolded her. "Jungkook?" She called again, "Don't worry babygirl, all you have to do is moan....and let me all do the job" he whispered seductively in her ear, once again sending shivers down to her spine.

She felt like being carried bridal-style and placed on their bed. And he handcuffed her. Even if she can't see because she was blindfolded, she felt his presence. Jungkook went and started attacking her neck, leaving purple hickeys around.

She just followed Jungkook, and did nothing but to moan. Hearing her moans, made Jungkook so eager to fuck the hell out of her. Jungkook started removing her dress, still kissing, nibbling and biting her neck.

She was now left in her undergarments, which Jungkook has been dying to see. She felt him stop, and didn't do anything. He just looked at her body. Admiring the beauty of every single curve of it.

He went to her collarbone and started kicking it, receiving a moan from her luscious lips. "J-Jungkook, whatever we will do, i-it's all my first" Sana manage to say. "Don't worry babygirl, I'll be gentle" he said.

Jungkook removed her bra using his teeth and started massaging her breast, still kissing her neck "Ahhh" she felt too much pleasure, considering this was all of her first.

After that, he trailed kisses on her stomach, and down to her area. He slowly remove her panties with his teeth again. He started playing with her folds and clit, and a loud moan escaped her lips again.

He pushed 2 fingers making her scream in pain, preparing her for his Dick. He went back on her lips and French kissed her. He started pushing in and out, then her pain turned into a great amount of pleasure. "J-Jungkook-ahh, th-ere is s-something o-on-"

"Cum for me babygirl" he said, even though Sana didn't know the meaning of that, she released whatever is in her stomach. She cummed on Jungkook's fingers. He licked his fingers, "You're so sweet, Sana"

He started positioning himself to her entrance. Then rubbed the tip of his dick to her clit and he let out a moan. He pushed inside making Sana scream, a tear escaped for her eyes,

"J-Jungkook it h-hurts" she said, "don't worry babygirl, your pain will turn into pleasure" he said, he gave time for her to adjust on his size. And because of the blindfold, she didn't saw how big Jungkook was.

After some time he started thrusting in and out, and their moans are unstoppable. The room was filled with skin slapping sounds and moans. "You're so tight Sana" Jungkook groaned. "You feel so good" Jungkook moaned, she arched her back from the new feeling.

"T-There's another t-thing o-o-on my s-stomach" she's said in between moans. There body is full of sweats, "Cum now..." Jungkook said while grunting. They both let out a moan while she was cumming on his dick. Before Jungkook releases his cum, he took it out and cummed on the bedsheets.

Jungkook collapsed beside her, and removed her handcuff and blindfold. Her small body felt so tired, and she feels sore in between her legs even though Jungkook tried his best to be gentle. Jungkook wrapped his arm around her neck and she rests her head on his chest.

Jungkook mesmerized her face, because of tiredness she felt asleep already, at the thought of them doing sex, and her not knowing anything about that is so cute, he thought. He pecked her forehead then rest his head on top of her head and slept.

• • •

*please read

*edited a/n: this is so cringey. i realized how my smuts improved at tmd compared to lysb lol. sorry huhu. i already said that i'll remove all smuts here at the edited version of lysb, but if i cut off the skit part of this chapter then it'll only have 200 words lol. a mafia au book with only one smut i'm crying lol hshshs.

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