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Sana is just weak girl.....she doesn't fights back.

"请停止 (please stop)" Sana whimpered because Jungkook was about to kiss her lips. She accidentally said it in Mandarin "What did you said?" He asked.


I didn't understood what she said, "Boss lunch is ready!!" I heard the slave shout through the door ruining my moment. "We'll talk later baby. Let's just go down to eat" I said. I grabbed her hand and dragged her downstairs. I took her to the dining room where all the foods are thing I noticed, she didn't care.

She doesn't looks surprised. I was expecting her to be jaw dropped because she was able to see a mansion for the first time in her life. When Taehyung and Jimin walked in together, her face brightened. Jimin smiled at her and she smiled back. Her smile.....

"Jungkook-ah..........Uhm...c-can I sit with T-Taehyung?" I like the way she said 'ah'. I turned her body towards me using her hips. "I like the way you say my name" she looks confuse, "T-thanks....I guess"

I heard my Hyungs chuckled, "She's too innocent for you Jungkook" Taehyung said. "Shut up Hyung" I rolled my eyes but they both continued laughing. "No. You're gonna sit beside me" I said.

I sat in one of the chairs, she sat right beside me. I was about to put the handkerchief on her lap because that was rich people are doing before they eat, but she put it already. This girl is really something.....

"Boss!" I turned around and saw Yoongi Hyung panting really hard and sweating. "Oh- Hey there cutie pie" he waved at Sana and she looked confused. She hesitantly waved back and smiled a little.

"Have some news for you, just look" he gave me a folder, I looked at it and I was surprised. I took a glance on Sana and she was playing rock, paper and scissors with Taehyung. "Great job, Yoongi" I said and he sat on my other left because Sana was sitting on my right.

When the food was served by the slaves, it was a very expensive Japanese food that only few can buy, I looked at her reaction and she just lowered her shoulders and took a deep sigh.


This again!? Everyday in Japan I eat this! Anyways, I should be thankful that I have something to eat, thousands of people only eat once a day and I'm lucky. Jungkook told me to ate so I did, this guy is so scary......while the other ones are cheerful and playful as if they were kids.

Then a girl walked towards the dining room as if she was Catriona Grey..

She was looking at Jungkook in a lovely way but when she saw me her expression changed and she gave me a death glare. "Hey babe~" I never knew this Jungkook guy has a girlfriend.

"Yuju what the fuck are you doing at my house?" Jungkook looked and said it to her in a cold tone. "Visiting my babe of course" She said seductively. The others gave a weird look to her, I don't know what is happening whether she is Jungkook's girlfriend or what.

"But babe-" the 'Yuju' girl was cut off by 'Yoongi' speaking. "Just get the fuck out of here Yuju, we don't want prostitutes like you" 'Yoongi' said in a cold tone, geeze these guys are so scary.

"Fine then!" She said in an annoyed tone and left the dining room. "I still can't believe that a mafia leader like you fall over heels with that kind of girl, Jungkook"




I chocked on my water when I heard what Jin said. "M-M-Mafia!?"

"J-J-Jungkook I-is a m-mafia!?" I asked them, "Sweetie isn't it too obvious?" This guy said with a smirk.

"How would I know I don't even know what the fuck I am doing here?-" I suddenly blurted without my mind thinking, I realized that I just fucked up. I covered my mouth and all eyes are on me. "Oohhhh, roasted" this guy said.

" I'm really sorry." I bowed at the guy, "it's fine, I like those types of girls" He winked, "Pardon?" I said because I don't understand what they are saying. "Whoop, JK caught an innocent kitty......By the Way, I'm Jung Hoseok or you can call me Hobi or Jhope if you want cause I'm you're hope and you're my hope, I'm Jhope" he smiled. Then I saw that Jungkook was smirking at me while looking at my eyes, I avoided eye contact with him.

"I'm really sorry" I apologized to him again, "I'm.....Sana" I said. "My name is Kim Namjoon, I'm the one who should be saying sorry, you're too innocent for our kinks"


Namjoon Hyung said it in English, "I don't understand" she said in a cute expression. "How many languages do you speak?" Namjoon Hyung asked Sana.

"11" All of us got shocked that Yoongi chocked the water he is drinking but hid it. All of our eyes widened. "11 languages!?" Hoseok Hyung said. "Y-Yeah, It's Japanese, Korean, Thai, Chinese Mandarin, Chinese Cantonese, Chinese Taiwan, French, German, Nepali, Vietnamese and Telugu" she said. "Telugu?" I asked. "It's the language that Indians speak"

She looks so shy and talks shyly towards us....

8:00 pm

My mind is about to fucking explode. The drug dealers are traitors! I shouted at my slave and said to her to call Sana up here!


I was watching Taehyung and Jin who are playing video games, I got along with them actually. They don't look like mafias, I still get scared to them sometimes. It was already around 8:00 pm then someone called me and said that Jungkook is calling me upstairs. I'm scared.....what will he do?

The lady guided me to his office, and she led me to a door with 'JJK' letters sculpted on the gold. The lady locked two times then left me. I heard Jungkook said 'Come in'

I slowly opened the door and took a peak, there are lots of papers on his desk and is office is legit huge. He noticed my presence, gestured me to come to him.

"The lady called me to come here" I stuttered. "She's a slave.... Wear this or else..." He gave me a plastic bag I took what's inside. I frown, I was about to talk but saw his facial expression.

I gulped, I closed my eyes then took a deep sigh. I was about to complain because this clothes aren't my style and they are showing too much skin but he placed his lips on his mouth signaling me to shut up and then he pointed the bathroom.


After minute while I was talking with JB, my friend. My eyes landed on her. Damn...that body....

She was looking at her shoes that's why she didn't noticed my staring. I heard that JB is still talking through the phone and kept calling me but. Damn....

"Just sit on the couch" he said then proceeded talking to him. I can't focus on what I am doing because my eyes are always on her. It was now almost 9:28 pm, she kept yawning and yawning until she fell asleep.

I stood up from my sit and looked at her sleeping body on the couch with my hands on my pockets. I arranged her position so that she may feel comfortable.

"Maybe you are different from them......"

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