cuarenta y dos

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I ran away from Chanyeol's office. I bursted into tears while running. I ran as fast as I can to Jungkook's warehouse, everything's so clear right now. Hirotoki used me to make Jungkook suffer, I remember everything, and Yuju is involved here! I'm now in front of his house, the black large gates didn't changed at all. And the guards are knocked down.

I ran and ran, until I opened the door. I saw Eunha, the guys and....Jungkook.


I said in a low tone, everyone is shocked. I wiped my tears and ran to his arms. "Sana.." he said in a shocked tone and sobbed lightly. I broke the hug and cupped his face, I looked into his eyes and he smiled happily. "I miss you." I said and his tear dropped on my cheeks. "I can't believe you're alive" he said and smashed his lips to mine.

I heard some 'awwww' sounds, knowing that they are them. Some even teared up, I'm so happy. "I think I drank a lot of Tequila last night....." Yoongi said, making everyone chuckle.

But the game is still not done.....

"J-Jungkook, I'm sorry, I'm sorry for not remembering you...I'm sorry My Kookie" I said while sobbing and stuttering. "Sana, it's my fault. I left you...alone...." He said while cupping my face.

"I love you Jungkook" I said and pecked his lips, "I love you, so...much." I said. Jungkook wiped my tears and smiled, I looked at the guys. "Our Innocent Child" Jin said and wiped his tear. I chuckled, still tears flowing like river.

I ran to them and made a group hug. I hugged them all one by one until someone faked coughed. It was Jimin, and on the corner of my eyes I saw.... Jungkook running his tongue to his side cheek...

Holy Frickle Frackle...

He's jealous..........

"We're glad that you are alive" Namjoon said, "You've grown so much now....." Yoongi said, I smiled and hugged him.

"Baby.... Upstairs...Bedroom.....Now" he said emphasizing each words. I looked at him with confused eye, and I glance at everyone and they all gave me a smirk. I gulped and followed Jungkook like a lost puppy....


"Baby I miss you so damn fucking much" he pinned me to the wall, "I miss you so much, Jungkook" I said and hugged him so tight. He wrapped his arms around me.

"Jungkook, can we lay on the bed together?" I asked softly and looked at him. "Of course, we can do something in bed if you want...." He whispered and smirked. I blushed and looked away, "Awwww, my babygirl is blushing" he held my chin making me look directly into his eyes, "I'm not gonna let you go out of my sight, again....." He said.

"Jungkook-ah, Hirotoki and Chanyeol are still out there..... What will I do? My anxiety is never leaving me when I think about them"I said, "I will tear body, limb by limb for you my love...."


It's been like, 4 says since what happened. But he is so overprotective to me, I found it cute. It's 3:00 pm now, and I'm at the kitchen with the guys, and when the clock hits 4:00 pm I need to go because of work. I also remembered that I have a building here, Hirotoki said he sold it but I bought it back since that's the behalf of my parents' company.

"Sana, I'm so glad that you are alive" Hoseok said, "Why? Did you guys miss me that much?" I said jokingly and chuckled. "Jungkook never smiled, laughed and be happy ever since the day when you died. Everyday he kills over 70+ of our men. He is cold to everyone, he became so unmerciful, but now.., I can see the happiness that you gave him just like 4 years ago. Don't ever leave us again, we missed our Innocent Baby" Hoseok said, I never imagined Jungkook's suffering when I'm gone.

"I miss you guys too, but I'm not a baby anymore! I'm 21 years old!" I said cheerfully, "We don't care. You're still our innocent baby" Taehyung said and chuckled. "Shut it Hyungs. She is MY Baby" I looked over and saw Jungkook holding a tequila. "Tsk, she is everyone's baby since she's the youngest in this Mafia" Jimin said,

We've spent an hour talking about random things in here. Jungkook wrapped his arm around my neck and I laid my head in his chest.

I checked Jungkook's phone and I was shocked that I was his lock screen wallpaper

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I checked Jungkook's phone and I was shocked that I was his lock screen wallpaper. I looked at the time and it was already 4:01 pm. "Uhm, Jungkook-ah I have...a meeting to attend about the buildings I own here in Korea" I said while looking at him. "Dang, Sana I looked at your net worth and you're so rich for a 21 year old girl like you" Hoseok said.

"You're 21 years old?" Jungkook asked and looked at me in the eyes. "Yeah, why?" I furrowed my eyebrows while looking at him. "That means you are an adult that can do adult things now......" He smirked. "I don't understand....but I'll just change, bye guys see you later!" I said. I changed into this:

When I came out of the room, I got pinned to the wall

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When I came out of the room, I got pinned to the wall.

"I need you....I want you...."

• • •

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