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I've been glancing at her for a while now, 3 hours ago, we got here in Tokyo, Japan. And tomorrow, I have a Mafia meeting to attend with her because it's kind of like a ball. She looks, nervous. She's drinking wine for about 2 minutes now. Her habits are unique, when she is frustrated she would close her eyes and sigh, when she is upset she would pout and furrow her eyebrows, when she is scared she would drink wine, when she is nervous she'll drink vodka. I only now her for a week but her habits are visible enough to see........and her beautiful brown eyes, that I can see through.

But why is she scared? I'll find it out.

We are both sitting in the couch in my bedroom here in my house in Tokyo. The look on her face is enough for me to tell that she wants to ask something. I placed my hand on her thigh and she flinched by my sudden move.

She furrowed her eyebrows and remove my hand away from her. "You can ask.....I'm not gonna eat you......oh, I can if you want to" she gave me a weird look, ugh I kidnapped a girl that is too innocent to ride my jokes...or ride my di-, never mind.

"Can I trust you?" She shyly asks, I smiled at the thought of she was asking this kind of question, I found it...cute. "You can trust me" I said. She nodded and smiled, but she turned aside, she thought that I couldn't saw her face,but her face expression is different.

Then my men called me, and said that the 'Mafia Ball' that I have been talking about will be held tomorrow night. He said that I should bring a girl because I need a partner, well no worries since I already have Sana.

Morning, 7:00 am


Last night I slept on the sofa but when I woke up I was in the bed right beside him. He is still sleeping so I went to the balcony, out of all people in the world, why is it him? Out of all the people he can play with why us? Out of all things we did, why did he did it?! I will never forgive him....never. I would rather kill myself then to forgive him.

I swallowed the water that has been in my mouth for about a minute now, "私が最も信頼した人が私を裏切ったとき、どのように私は誰かを信頼することができます (How can I trust someone when the person whom I trusted the most, betrayed me)." I said while leaning my arms to the railings of the balcony.

"この美しい国はどのように醜いのペルソナを持つことができますか (how can this beautiful country have the ugliest persona)" I whispered and a tear unknowingly fell in my cheek. I wiped my tear off immediately and went inside before someone sees me.

I closed my eyes and sat on the edge of the bed. Then someone moved so fast, I looked and it was Jungkook moved towards me and hugged my waist while I am sitting and while he was still laying on the bed. His eyes are still closed. He looks like a sleeping innocent baby, but that's all in the opposite once his eyes are opened.

"You're awake, why so early?" He asked in a sleepy voice while his eyes are still closed. "I don't know" I heard him yawn, "it's already 8:00 am, get up you sleepyhead" I stood up not caring about his position. "Yah, what the fuck did you just called me?" He glared at me. "You're.....handsome that's all!" I said and sprinted to go to the door and escape, but before I can reach the door, it got opened by someone.

"Oh, hey Miss, do you perhaps saw Boss?" She asked while tapping the pen to the folder and files she was holding. I bowed lightly then said that he was inside. "Ughhh, this early?!" I heard Jungkook groan when the lady stepped inside.

"Jungkook you have know that he won't stop until he gets why he wants" the lady said and threw the papers to the small table, "Father wants to see you, next next week. Better get your fucking ass there in Busan or else the gang will be passed to someone else" she glared at Jungkook.

Does she knows who she was talking to? Jungkook sighed in frustration, "Ughh, Soyeon I will come there don't worry. And I'll also find a way to fix this bullshit"

"Just make sure Jungkook. You know disappointments aren't present in Jeon's Family Line" she said then turned around, she bowed to me and I did the same, then she left the room and closed the door.

"Who's that girl?" I asked in a calm and soft tone. "My sister...Older sister. She's 21 years old" he said and held his hair in frustration. "Jungkook-ah, when I was still young, I had a boy best friend named Wakashitaru, when he is stressed or angry. I would always do this to him" he was sitting on the edge of the bed, I stand between his legs nod started massaging his hair and temples.

"Ahh, that feels good" he moaned out, "Yeah, keep doing that" he moaned again. "Is it supposed to be dirty or.....ugh nevermind" I shook my head off, Ughh my innocent mind is being destroyed by him. I heard him chuckle, "Am I already ruining your innocent persona?"

I stopped massaging him and playfully slapped his shoulder. He held my wrist and pulled me closer making our lips meet.

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