cincuenta y cuatro

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They all looked shocked, "T-That means...." Lisa said while covered her mouth looking absolutely shocked. "That means what?"I asked the, with full curiosity,

"You're pregnant."

I looked at them with widened eyes, my heart is jumping out of my ribs, "W-What?" I said really softly, "I mean, you might be pregnant. But, that pregnancy test is just drugstore bought so maybe it's....just...fake?" Lisa says hesitantly. "Sana don't go to work tomorrow, we'll go to the Doctor for a check up. Sana, if it's true that you're pregnant......then, you'll make him so happy" Nayeon said softly and smiled,

"O-Okay, j-just pick me up at my house...." I said softly, "I'm sorry Sana, but Jisoo and I really need to go. It's nice meeting you Nayeon and Jeongyeon, here's my number Sana. Bye!" She said and they both started walking out, "Nice meeting you guys!" Jisoo said as Lisa grabs her. "What's taking you so long guys?" The door opened and it was Jihyo.

"Oh God, what happened to you Sana?" Jihyo said and looked at me worriedly, "I-I just threw up..." I said trying not to stutter, Nayeon and Jeongyeon gave each other a look, "Okay, let's go the food will get cold" Jihyo said and left, I knew they'll talk and ask me why did I didn't tell her,"I want it to be a surprise to them..." I said and smiled. They nodded and we went back there and ate.

The Next Day

I woke up to be greeted by my dear husband's face, he's hovering above me, he smiled as soon as I opened my eyes. He kissed me, I chuckle on the kiss and kissed him back. "Good Morning my beautiful wife" he smiled, I smiled too. "Good Morning Hubby" I chuckled.

"You had fun yesterday?" He asked because he knew I hung out with my friends. I nodded rapidly at the thought of what I just discovered yesterday. "Baby" he says, I hummed in response as I place my palms on the side of his cheeks. "Chef Seowoon said that you are eating the foods you don't eat before.....are you feeling well wifey?" He raised his eyebrows, I just smiled "I'm feeling better, better then ever" I chuckled.

"Nayeon will pick me up, we have something to take care off. Is that okay with you?" I asked curiously. He closed his eyes and nodded, "Of course baby, you can do whatever you want to except touching guys other than me" his voice got scary, I just nodded, when he looked away to the side I gulped. "Dress up now babe, I wouldn't want you to be late wherever you're going with Nayeon" he stood up then sat on the edge of the bed while watching me standing up.

I was about to open the door but I looked at him, "I love you hubby" I don't know but I just laughed at it then went inside. I took a shower and changed into this:

I looked at myself at the really big mirror of our bathroom, I took a deep sigh, if it's positive it will be a life-changing situation. I went outside and saw Jungkook already dressed up. His birthday is also near, only 3 days left.

"Bye babe" he pecked my forehead, nose and lips. "Bye hubby" I said. "I like it when you call me 'hubby' " he smirked, then walked closer to me. "But I prefer it more if you call me 'Daddy' " he smirked and I blushed and looked away. I heard him let out a chuckle, "Ahh, my wifey is so cute" he said and kissed me. He grabbed the nape of my neck deepening the kiss. I kissed back too placing my palm in his chest.

Then we both stopped when the doorbell rang, "Thats my cue" I tiptoed and pecked his lips. "Bye hubby love you" I said while walking towards the door.

After I closed the door, I took a deep sigh and placed my hand on my chest. I waved to Nayeon and she did the same. I went inside the car. "Unnie-ah, I'm so nervous" I said while rubbing my palms together.

"Don't be Sana. I'm really excited, honestly Jeongyeon and I are super excited! I would love to be your child's godparent" Nayeon winked at me I chuckled. "We're still not sure if it's positive or not" I said.

Seoul National Hospital

Ughh, that weird feeling didn't left me. While Nayeon is driving us to the hospital I feel someone watching us. I wandered my eyes around and everybody is doing their own business. "Unnie where are we going?" I asked Jeongyeon because she's the one leading us.

"My cousin works here, we could go to him" Jeongyeon says, "But why your cousin? I'm not special" I said. "Sana.. You're freaking carrying a Mafia's baby. Don't you think it'll be dangerous if you just go to a normal Doctor, someone we don't know?" Jeongyeon says.

"You're right, I guess" I looked down. Then Jeongyeon opens the door. "Oh cousin! Good time to see you!" The Doctor says, "Bong Ki, this is my friend Sana. She'll be doing a pregnancy test" Jeongyeon says and I bowed to her and she did the same.

"Okay ma'am, please sit here" the doctor pointed the chair and I sat to the chair. "What are your symptoms?" He asks, "I'm always dizzy, and I also eat foods I really hate before. And I always threw up" I said and he rights it all.


After all the tests, the doctor has the papers which includes the result.

"Congratulations Mrs. Jeon, you're 3 months pregnant."

Sana looked so happy, she smiled after hearing that. We are all shocked, "Unnie -ah I'm going to be a Mom!" She said happily, "Ahh, I'm so happy for you" Jeongyeon said and we hugged her. The doctor smiled witnessing us.


I feel so happy. How would I tell this to Jungkook? Maybe on his birthday! I got the results and the thingy where I peed. Ohh so that's how it works, if you peed on that thingy and the only thing that appeared is only one line that means its negative if it's 2 lines then it's positive. I'm so happy, this is going to be a new chapter of my life.....

As a mom.....

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