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I woke up in someone's embrace. I looked and it was Jungkook, I flinched a bit waking up being greeted by him. I started to free myself from his arms but he tighten it even more. "Rude..." He murmured.

"Not even a good morning to me, huh?" This is so awkward. I have so many questions to ask him, why am I here? What are they trying to do with me? I have to go to school, I wanna go home.


I asked her but she's not responding, she's not even making eye contact with me. She's........scared. "Hey, look up" I grabbed her chin making her look deeply into my eyes. "Are you scared of me?" I said in a low tone. She shook her head, "Do you have many problems?" She shook her head again, "You have............I can see right through you"

"I repeat, are you scared of me?" I raised both of my eyebrows. "I...I have a question" she stuttered a little. "What is it?" I asked and tucked her hair on her ears. "Why am I here?" I smirked. "I was waiting for you to ask that......you're mine"

"That's not an answer" she pouted. For some reason I felt my heart beating faster. And smiled, the smile that...didn't have any flow of bitterness to it. Ugh, stupid fucking heart. They are just like other....gold diggers.

"Why can't I just go house? I have school anyways" I looked at her. "House? You mean home?" I asked. "Yeah, yeah that" I chuckled. "You don't need to go to school baby, you need to learn English because speaking many languages like you but can't speak the universal language......sucks. Trust me on this one baby" I sat up properly and pecked her forehead.

She closed her eyes then took a deep sigh, habit. "We're going somewhere tonight baby" I offered my hand on her. She just looked at me, I sigh. I went closer to her face "I" I pecked her forehead, "will" then her left cheek, "never" then her right cheek, "hurt" her nose. "You" I was about to aim for her lips but she moved away while chuckling.

"How can I be so sure of that?" She said bravely, "Oh baby don't test me. I have different ways of hurting you, it's either in bed or eating you" I smirked, " Is that supposed to be funny or....sad?" She asked innocently.

"Nothing, just find some shirt there and wear it" I scrunch my nose.


I went in front of the door of his closet, this door is the same with mine back in my house here in Korea. It's a little expensive, I think costs for more than $300,000 I opened it and started to find a shirt, I found a white large shirt. I wore it and it's until my mid thigh.

I went outside of the room and saw Jungkook in a robe.

He smirked when he saw me, god those smirks have different meanings to it! "Enjoying the view?" He smirked. "No it's ruining my eyesight"

"Baby.....I told you not to test me" he said coldly, "I'm sorry" I said. Maybe he's not that bad as I think he is.......I mean, he IS scary.

9:00 pm

Jungkook's 'slave' brought me this dress. She said that Jungkook bought this for me. When I looked at the dress I grunted. "This guy- aaaaishhhh" I closed my eyes then took a deep sigh.

It came with a black heels, I miss my friends

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It came with a black heels, I miss my friends....I miss all of them it's been almost 3 days. "म तिनीहरूलाई सम्झन्छु (I miss them)" I said in Nepali, and pouted. Someone knocked in 3 times, I stood up and opened the door revealing....erm, Yoonie? Yoongae? Ugh! This guy!

I think I saw this guy before.......weird.... "Hello Sana, I'm Min Yoongi. Let's go, the party should be starting right now" he said. "Oh okay" I said in a tired tone. While walking on the hallway, making our way downstairs. "Do you know why Jungkook kidnapped you?" He looked at me and I shook my head.

"He's attracted to you.......I could see the way he looks you, with his eyes. I mean, can't blame him though" He chuckled, "Stop saying cheesy things Yoongi" I chuckled. When are on the living room, Jungkook turned around saw me. He scanned me up and down and a little smirk was formed in his lips. "Let's go, JB is already there" he held my hand and we went inside this car.

He was about to open the car door for me but I opened it already. I went inside because he said so, he sat in his sit then started driving. The others have their own cars, I think. "You look sexy..." He said in a low tone. He placed his hand on my thigh and started going up, I slapped his arm and continued looking at the window.

"You know....we have a lot of things to discuss with since now that you're mine" he said. "I'm not yours" I rolled my eyes, "Well, too bad you had no choice" he chuckled. "I have a normal life, but you took me! My house and my car are left!"

"You never had a normal life...." He said. "How did you-? N-nothing" I sat properly and arranged my dress to make sure that it covered the bigger portion of my legs. He kept glancing at him,


Jinyoung texted me and said that they are at the VIP Room. My Hyungs are already on their way. "Come here baby" I held her small hand gently then went upstairs with her.

"Jungkook-ah, where are we going?" She asked, in a serene voice. "All you have to do is sit there" she nodded then sigh. "Ok" she said in a cute voice, "Jungkook-ah, I still don't know anything about you" I said while we enter this room that I don't know.

Inside the room there are many large couches, nobody is here only us. I guess his guests aren't still here. I saw a Baijiu. Baijiu is a Chinese Alcohol. I started to wander my eyes around trying to look for some wine. "What are you looking for baby?" He asked. "Is there any wine here?"

"17-year old and already alcoholic?" He smirked then called the waiter, "1 bottle of wine" he said coldly, how can he change his personality so quickly. Later he was sweet then now he is cold. "So, what does my baby wants to know about her daddy?"

"あなたは私の父ではない (you're not my father) " she looked at me weirdly. She said in Japanese, luckily I learned Japanese when I was around 15 years old. She didn't get it didn't she? "I'm 20 years old. World's Most Youngest Mafia Leader in History" I said. "What about you're parents?" She asked and then the wine was served by the guy and she was looking her legs.

"Do you want me to fucking pushed this fork in your fucking mouth? Eyes off her!" I hissed at the guy and he bowed then left. "My parents are total bitches"

"Why would you say that yurlukidatustilhabperents" She looked down then mumbled the last parts which I didn't understand. "Excuse me" I went to the bathroom then did what I wanna do there.

Then outside the door I heard some guys, I guess his guests and Hyungs are here because I heard Jin's voice. I looked at myself in the mirror, rested my palms on the sink then closed my eyes then sigh. How did I ended up being here? My friends should be worried sick right now.

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