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We arrived at my mansion, and I carried her bridal-style. My Hyungs aren't still here because they are in a mission, I went inside my house then the slaves, mafia members and guards stopped what they're doing and bowed at me.

I carried her all the way to the room that I prepared for her. I lay her down on the bed and covered her with the bedsheets, I think I put a lot of it. She seem to be in a deep sleep. I heard Jin Hyung's loud voice downstairs. I caressed her soft cheeks one last time then left,

I went downstairs and they are here. "How's the mission?" I asked. "Well done, as usual" Jimin Hyung said with a straight face. "Good, I have another mission, Yoongi, Hoseok and Namjoon Hyung lets go. The rest, go upstairs and guide my girl" I said quickly then the 4 of us left.


Jin, Jimin and Taehyung looked at each other with a weird expression. "My girl?" The three of them said in unison, The three of them went upstairs and looked at each room. Then they saw a small and cute figure sleeping peacefully on the bed.

"Omo, she's so cute. Uwu, I think my heart just melted!" Jin said in a loud tone as usual while he placed both of his arms on his chest. "No wonder Jungkook took her" Jimin laughed, "She has like....the cutest face ever" Taehyung shouted. "Shut up dumbass, she will wake up if you continued shouting like that" Jimin smacked Taehyung at the back of his head.

"Let's just play this game!" Jin took out the Xbox 360 and at started playing....


After the mission being successfully done as always, I went to my warehouse first because someone hacked our system. "It's done Jungkook" Yoongi Hyung fixed the problem. "Okay Hyung thanks, And...."

"Check the full back round of this girl" I took my phone and and showed him the picture of the girl. I took a picture of her when she was sleeping on my chest. "She's....cute" he said in a straight face. "Back off, she's mine" I hissed. "Whatever" he said plainly.


Yoongi Hyung did what he has to do while I went to the underground club of this fucking warehouse. Of course these but bitches want my attention. And they keep grinding their ass on me. I pushed them away, and rolled my eyes. "Hey babe" Yuju said seductively.

"What the fuck do you want Yuju?" I said. I have no idea why I fell in love with this whore before, yeah she's my fucking ex-girlfriend. We fucked before, but it didn't pleased me. "Oh come on babe, don't act like nothing happened before" she said in a seductive tone and licked her lips.

"You may be part of my past.....but you're never gonna be a part of my future" I said then walked away, "you'll regret that you threw a diamond away Jungkook" she hissed, how dare she.

"Have you forgotten my place and you're place? You're just as useless prostitute here used for fucking" I glared at her and she gulped. I was about to take my gun from my pocket but someone texted me. It was Yoongi.....

"Be thankful that I'm busy right now, or else I could have blow the bullet inside this fucking gun to your fucking brain" I said coldly then went back to the computer room.

"Where's her biography?" I asked Yoongi Hyung coldly while looking through the papers that he gave me, "Her biography didn't showed up, why don't you just do to her what you are doing to other people and spill the tea?"

I smirked, "that's a great choice" I said. "Jungkook keep in mind, you just kidnapped an 17-year-old Japanese Cutie Pie. What did you do to her?"

"I just the thing Namjoon Hyung gave and she passed out." I said while gathering the papers together. "Where is she now?" He kept asking and it annoys me. "Why don't you see it for yourself and stop asking me questions" I said coldly then left.


The 3 of them started playing 'Just Dance' in their Xbox, kinda like kids. Then their favorite songs started playing, Jin being a usual loud mouth he is, shouted like there's no tomorrow. Forgetting that their is a girl sleeping.


I woke up because someone is singing so loud. My head hurts and I just rubbed my eyes while sitting properly. When I opened my eyes fully, I saw a tall guy with jet black hair, a guy with a brown hair and a guy with a grey hair. "Wha-!" I said.

"Oh, great. She's awake because of you Jin Hyung" The guy with the grey hair said. "Hello! What's your name?" The guy with brown hair asked me cheerfully. "Please don't hurt me" I pulled the bedsheets and covered myself. Who are they this time!? I feel like a ball being passed one player to another,

"We aren't gonna hurt you sweetie, because we are already dead before laying a finger on you" The tall guy with jet black hair said. They sat on the side of this large bed, "Uhm before you start...... My name is Jin, I'm Worldwide Handsome you know" he said with his voice full of confidence.

Well, he looks handsome "I.....I'm Sana...." I said shyly, "Aren't your u the cutest cutie pie ever!?!?" The guy with brown hair stood up and squeezed my cheeks so hard, it almost turned red. "Wooopss, hehe. I got too carried away, My name is Kim Taehyung, you can call me Tae if you want" he went back to his sit.

"Hello cutie pie, I'm Park Jin, just call me Jimin" he winked.

Then Jin got a phone call, he answered it then went to the corner of this room. Then, I remembered phone. I started to look for it in the bed, "What are you doing Sana?"

"M-my missing" I said nervously.

"Is this what you're looking for, baby?"

All of our gazes went to the guy beside the door. He was holding my phone. "Oh, Jungkook you're back"

I don't know what happened but my whole soul left my body, my body started shaking and my heart started beating faster, when I saw him I feel full terror.

He bit his lips and looked straight into my eyes. "Hyungs......leave us alone" he whispered then Tae, Jin and Jimin left. He started walking towards me and I backed away. Then he pinned me to the wall. My body is shaking like crazy. He grabbed my waist and glued his nobody onto mine.

"Should we start the fun?" He whispered.

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