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[a/n: yes, there's an error with the numberings but i didn't arrange it, because if i did, it'll ruin everything.]


I don't know this feeling, I felt something heavy on my heart. My eyes soften because for the first time, I heard her sob and sniffle. The airplane was currently flying making its way to France, because the fucking pilot doesn't know his way back to Korea.

I crouched down and slowly grabbed her hand but she yanked it away. She was at the very corner of the plane while hugging her knees, crying like a kid. "W-What happened to you baby?" I said softly, I held her wrist gently and she yanked it away from me again.

She sobbed so hard, that made everyone caught their attention. "Hey,hey,hey" I said softly and held her wrist and pull her closer to me. I heard gasps from them but all I care about now is this girl crying in my chest.

This time she didn't yanked away, I also noticed her cuts and bruises, that made my blood boil, her body is almost covered in blood. Then I feel her faint in my arms, "Jin Hyung!" I shouted and he ran.

"Oh my......" He gasped when he saw her, I carried her and lay her down on the couch while Jin Hyung gets his medical thing and started treating her wounds. "What the fuck happened to her!?" I screamed angrily.

"I saw her.....in the middle of the road, she looks so hurt I stopped driving because she was blocking the way. When I told her to go inside I started driving, then someone chases us. They are so many and luckily I got here, and told her to go inside the plane" Yoongi Hyung said. "The fucking question is who did this to her!?" I shouted again, my neck veins popping out.

"Just calm down Kook. She'll be fine like she always use to" Jimin Hyung said and wiped his gun. "Soyeon do you know anything about what happened to her?" Taehyung asked, "No, she got here inside while I'm guiding you guys through the computer and ear piece" she said.

"Her cuts are small and not that many, she has the total of 4 cuts in her thigh, 6 on the both of her wrist, 2 broken ribs, and bruises on her stomach and mouth" Jin Hyung said. As I look at her body, I noticed Yoongi, Hoseok, Jimin, Taehyung, Namjoon Hyung are looking at her sexy laying figure. "I'll count to 3 and you better get your eyes off of her or else I'll stab this fucking knife in the both of your eyes" I said while looking at Sana's face.

They gulped and went back to their own business. "My, my, my gguk is falling in love?" Soyeon said teasingly. "Stop talking bullshit Soyeon" I rolled my eyes at her.

3:02 am

While I'm sleeping peacefully on the bed, I feel the mattress move. This airplane has a bed because, it's my own airplane. I opened my eyes and saw Sana turned around, now her head is on my chest. I placed my hand on her shoulder and she was shivering.

And her dress is not helping, I pulled up the sheets even more and wrapped my arm around her neck, she snuggled in my chest. At the thought of her unintentionally hugging me just give me weird things on my stomach.

I placed my chin on top of her head, while me warming up her small body. We also have to talk once we'll land on France. She moved her head slowly up, I feel her warm breath on my neck. With her lips slightly touching my Adam's apple.

Paris, France, 3:00 pm

We landed on France right now, I called my men and told them to prepare the house. I have a house in every corner of the world. Since Sana is still unconscious, I carried her all the way to the room. And layer her on the bed.

I have some things to handle, regarding to what happened yesterday back in Japan. It turns out the Mafia who attacked us was another Japanese Gang, he took my $2,000,000 that I have inside my house in Japan. I don't care, I finished them all. They are just one hit to me.....they are so motherfucking dumb of having the idea of attacking at a Jeon's house.

Jackson called me so I went to the corner of the room, beside the door and he started asking about what happened. While talking to him, I saw Sana rub her eyes. She stood up carefully, then saw me looking at her.

I ended the call without saying anything to Jackson, "You will not leave this room. Without me telling what the fuck happened to you" I said in a commanding tone.

"I..was killed....again" she looked down on the floor,I feel my eyes soften when I saw her sobbing. I sat down not the edge of the bed and pulled her on my lap.

Ahhhh, this feels good.....

"Spill" I said,

"My parents...own MNTZ Enterprises, you could tell they are richer then the USA's President. Even though they are busy and always going to different country every day. They make sure that I'm fine, my nanny used to take care for me since I was a baby, she took care for me for the past 7 years, but she was killed......they were killed......by my Uncle...

I thought he was the most amazing person ever and a trustworthy guy, I idolized him. But he is not....... One day it was my parents day off which means they have some time to spend with me. We had a lot of fun in the field playing outdoor games. But when the night comes, I just woke up being tied up on a chair, I saw how they beat my mom up because she wasn't telling the code.......

The code is powerful,it has all access to our buildings and bank accounts all over the world. Uncle Kiroto Hirotoki, my mom's older brother is the one who betrayed me and my family. My mom cupped my face with her hands and they shot her on the head. They were killed in the same way. I escaped.....with the held of some of my butlers.

I went to Korea with my nanny and remaining loyal butlers, using my Mom's private jet. After 2 weeks, my nanny went back to Japan to get my things, even though I could buy some new ones. But 10 years have passed and she still isn't coming back........

I want to go there and find her but.....I'm afraid, and I know Hirotoki spread fake news in Japan about our family. And they will capture me and torture me if I go there, and they will force me to tell them what is the code. Our main MNTZ building used to be in Tokyo, Japan. But I moved it in Italy" she stated while stuttering and sobbing.

I placed her head on my chest and she hugged me, "I'll kill him for you" I whispered. "You should sit on my lap more often.....this feels so fucking good"

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'拾捌' is actually read as 'shíbā' in Chinese, if i'm not mistaken lmao.

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