Ch. 37: Gotta make it right

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Arialyn's Point Of View:

I look down on Elaina her eyes are shut close, letting us know she's out cold. Guilt are eating way from inside. The minute she clean my cuts and stitch them up, I finally felt a pang of guilt inside. This girl that we're kidnaping is my friend, she still care about me. Probably not anymore after this. She was the only one who help me with my confidence throughout the years of me growing up.

"Hey come on help me get the door." I heard Tyler said as he went over to grab her. He look over his shoulder at me when he realised I'm not moving, "Bitch do you not know hear what I said?" He snapped. I jumped, startled and quickly open the door. He grumbled as he got out of the house and to the car he's parked outside.

I frowned slightly, "How did you get inside?" I asked quietly as he started driving away.

He snorted, "That bitch forgot to locked her garage. So easy." He informed me. His eyes focusing on the road. I groaned and close my eyes, leaning back on the seat. If only she had locked everything. I thought to myself. I know her house, once everything is locked, the security will be up. And there's no way Tyler could get inside. "You look like you're in pain," I heard his comment.

"Her knife cut my thigh," I lied. I'm in pain because I still can't believe I'm doing this to my friend. My best friend. He look over my thigh briefly. I don't think he can see though. "It's painful."

He chuckled, "You were never good at handling pain anyway. That's why you always get the easier job." He said shaking his head. "I never know why Peter still wants you in the team honestly."

Me either.

I'm not a fighter, I won't lie about that one. I know I struggled to win a fight. In fact, the last we ambushed them, I know I could have died. I know how to fight, yes. But I'm not very good at it, I admit. I can put up a fight but there's only a matter of time before I'll lose.

We got to the house and I got out, letting Tyler carry Elaina inside. She's still out cold. He grunted as he adjusted Elaina's weight on his shoulder. "She's losing a lot of blood, should we not do something about it?" I found myself asking him worriedly. He look over at me briefly and shook his head.

"She can die for all I care, I did what Peter wanted me to do." He grunted. Once inside, he dropped her to the ground like a sack of potatoes. The sound of her body thudding to the ground got me wince at the pain. The sound of footsteps from down the hall make me look up, I saw Eric's face first then Peter. He had an annoying grin on his face when he spotted us in the middle of the room. "Everything went as planned?" He asked loudly as his eyes turn to Tyler who simply motion to the ground where Elaina's body laid.

"Ah fabulous," He stated clapping his hand once together. "Chain her down to one of the chairs in the room, will you Eric?" He instructed, his eyes stop over at me briefly before he turn to walk back down the hallways which probably means that he'll be back later and we're free for now.

Hours went by, I found myself in the room. Elaina had regained her conscious. Once she has registered the fact that she's been kidnaped, she clenched her teeth, looking over at me. I can see emotions flashing through her eyes. She's angry, no she's probably furious but I don't missed the hurt in her eyes for that brief second before she look mad all over again.

"Took you long enough to get back to the living world," Peter announced his presence as he walk closer towards her. Her eyes look over at him and she raised her brows. "Of course you wouldn't know me. I'm the mastermind of all this." He informed her like she didn't figure that one out already.

She look around the room again, "So is this where the interrogation will be held?" She asked sarcastically as she scrunched up her nose. "Don't you clean the room around here? It looks disgusting." Eric smack across her face, she look surprised by that- even I am.

"You hit like a girl," She muttered which caused her another hit from Eric.

Peter held his hand up, stopping Eric, "Now now Eric there's no need for the violence." He said. "Not now at least." He smiled sinisterly as his look over Elaina.

Pulling a chair closer to her, he took a sit. "So tell me Elaina how does daddy dearest took the news of finding out you're his daughter?" I frowned, not knowing exactly what he's talking about. Elaina's father died years ago during one of his mission. What could Peter mean about his sentence? I turn to Tyler who look just as confused as I am. What does the 'daddy' got to do with anything anyway?

"Whatever he feels like doesn't concerned me." Elaina spat, "What does that has got to do with anything?"

He smirked, "Of course he told you about our little goals to kidnap the kids in school. Possibly earn a little fortune from it. But he never really tell you anything did he?" Elaina's eyes narrowing on him. I can tell she's getting irritated by the second. "Jonathon and me go way back. We were friends. Close friends. Just like you and our Arialyn here." He stated, smirking as he look over at me.

"She's not my friend," Elaina gritted out. Ouch. I know I deserved that one, but still I can't deny that does hurt me.

He look back at Elaina and waved his hand dismissively, "Jon never really did anything without me. Everything he does, there's always me involved. But one thing for sure that bugged me, I helped him everything, I help him get the Mission done and over with." Peter's eyes glazed with fury by the second and his voice got louder, "They still like him best! I did all the work! I did more work than he ever did! I was there before him but he liked him more!"

"Jeez, jealous much?" Elaina muttered rolling her eyes. That's not a good time for such comment with Peter's anger on the line. His eyes snapped over to her and his fist make contact with her face. She winced in pain and spat out blood out. She turn back to him, "Am I wrong though? You're a grown man, you could have just been happy for him. There's no need for-" before she could finish her sentence, Peter punched her in the face again.

"Shut up bitch!" He shouted, Peter finally lost his cool. His temper has took control and he punch her on the stomach. I couldn't look anymore. I turn away and leave the room. I can't look what he's doing with her. I betrayed her. For so long, I didn't think of the consequences of my action. And now that I finally had to deal with them, I can't lived knowing I caused that to her. The one who protected me all her life. The one who trusted me with her life.

And I blew it.

And I gotta make it right. I have to.

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