Ch. 40: "Won't you just let me die in peace?"

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I swear to god, everytime I feel like this is it. This is the time where I'll be walking towards the bright light. I got water splashed on my damn face, I coughed and wiped my eyes. "Can't you let me die in peace?" I shouted in annoyance, slumping back down on the floor. "My god."

"We can't let you die just yet," I look up noticing Peter's amused smile at my remark. I rolled my eyes. One of this days I'm gonna die, and no water on earth can stop me from walking through that fucking light.

The other day while I was busy mumbling and counting the stars in my vision, this one guy named Eric and some other guy came in and just grab me up before tossing me inside a van. I don't protest much, I've been getting all beat up head to toe and I'm genuinely surprised that I'm still breathing. I have cuts all over, burns all over, and I've loss a lot of blood. Why I'm still breathing? No clue. I really wonder if Louisa did any grocery shopping and stock up my favourite ice cream. I don't wanna come home with an empty fridge. Either coming home alive or as a ghost, I don't care. I just don't want to come home to an empty fridge.

The sound of footsteps stopping just right outside my door caught my attention and I turn my head slightly to face whoever it is that's cursing me with their presence. I heard some muffled cries and screams. I frowned looking over at Peter, "What's going on?" I asked curiously. "Are you throwing a party for my early death?"

He raised his brows in amusement before shaking his head, "Something that should have been done a long time ago." He told me. Just then, the door slam open and walk in all his little stupid pathetic followers each pushing the person they holding captive. I laugh, realising this is my supposedly 'schoolmates' and Peter finally did his move for what I've been working for previously before you know, everything went downhill for me. "Say hello to your ex friends Elaina," Peter told me just as he pull me up roughly causing me to wince at the pain of the sudden movement.

"You don't have to be so rough," I muttered holding on to my stomach.

"Please just let me go!" I heard the familiar annoying girl voice, the one whom I used to dislike back when I'm still in their school. I snorted at her ruined makeup, and her now messy hair, Tiffany. Once whoever that's holding her pushed her down to the floor in the mess with other students, she quickly hold one of the girl I honestly can't remember what's her name anymore. I've been meeting a lot of people, I don't know who is who. Tiffany is now crying along with the girl she's holding closely to her.

I may hated her guts, and the rest of the students in fact, but I do have a heart and I can never just stood by and do nothing. My eyes land on the last guy that walks in, my mouth hang open slightly. I've forgot how good he looks.

"Oh my god what am I thinking?" I mumbled, mentally smacking myself for even look at him that way. Vincent's age may be 18 but his looks sure as hell don't look like one.

Peter clapped his hands together, "Now now children there's no need to make a fuss." He said loudly to catch everyone's attention and also announcing his presence in the room. "You don't want to piss me off." He informed them. Just then their eyes went over to me and in instance they shut their mouth.

Do I really look that bad? I look down on myself. My white shirts are now stained with blood. I groaned loudly, "Man you stained my white shirt!" I whined. "This is going to be a bitch to wash it out!" I look up at him raising my brows in annoyance.

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