Meet Percy

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"Percy! Ready to go?" Brenda called up the stairs to her partner.

Percy Patterson looked up at the door from his bag.

"Just a sec, Brenda!" He called back.

He grabbed his jacket and his duffle bag. Percy looked back at the hotel room that he had been staying in, from the blue and purple walls and furniture, to the purple and blue bedding and carpet.

I wonder what this place really looks like. He thought to himself.

Percy glanced out the window, there were blue and purple trees, cars, everything was a combination of those two colors, but he was used to that by now.

Since birth, Percy had only been able to see the world in two colors; blue and purple. When the doctors had heard this, they told Percy's parents that it was a rare 'disease' that few people get. According to their research, people would normally only see in a single color, but many of those cases cure themselves miraculously, and without explanation. In Percy's case this meant that there may be a cure, but both of his parents did not want to spend money on a cure that 'might' work. So, here Percy was, living his life in two colors. Percy however did not believe this was a disease, he thought that his eyesight meant something. He just couldn't say what. It was strange however, when he was younger he thought that his eyesight was a sign of great power(after watching magic shows, he thought it would've been so cool to have magic powers), but he learned that he wasn't going to gain magical powers because of his eyes.

Percy isn't color blind, like many people thought he was, he just couldn't see any other colors except blue and purple.

Percy exited the room and went down the stairs to the hotel's lobby.

"There you are." Brenda said once she saw Percy.

"Sorry Brenda." He said rubbing the back of his neck. "Just 'sight seeing' y'know."

"Oh, Percy I'm sorry. I keep forgetting." Brenda said apologetically.

"It's fine." Percy chuckled. "I just wish my parents could 'forget'."

Brenda looked at Percy with concern.

"Are they bugging you again?" She asked.

Percy gave her a look that said "You know that answer already."

Brenda sighed. "One day they'll leave you alone."

"Yeah well, let's hope that day comes soon. I don't think I can take any more of their 'lessons'." Percy sighed.

When he was little, his parents had brought it upon themselves to try and cure Percy their own way.

They would lay out different objects and ask him what color they were. He kept saying the same answers. "Blue or purple." Eventually he decided to try and say which shade of purple or blue he saw to see if that would make them stop. It didn't work.


"Okay Percy." His mother had said. She pointed to a blue rubber duck.

"What color is this?"

Percy thought hard, trying to come up with an answer that wasn't 'blue'. His parents hated hearing that answer.

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