Cold Separation

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The Stonekeeper walked to Migo, who had Percy on his shoulder and was talking to a few of the yetis.

"Migo, may I speak with you two." He asked.

Migo turned to Stonekeeper. "Me and Percy?" He asked.

Stonekeeper nodded.

Migo glanced at Percy. Percy shrugged.

Stonekeeper stared at Migo. "Don't worry. It's just to give you two answers."

Migo understood what the Stonekeeper meant.

"Ok, lead the way Stonekeeper." Migo said, hiding his excitement.

Percy felt Migo's excitement. "Where is he taking us?" Percy asked whispering.

"To complete the Soul Bond ceremony tradition." Migo whispered to him.

"Oh." Percy whispered back.

They followed Stonekeeper into the sanctuary.

Percy looked around amazed at the statues lining the walls.

Migo continued to follow the Stonekeeper the the back of the sanctuary.

Once they had gotten to the back, Stonekeeper turned to Migo and Percy.

"You two will have to go down different passages." He said calmly.

"What!?" Migo asked surprised.

Percy however was starting to get panicked.

Why would he want me and Migo to go down different paths. Percy thought. He didn't seem happy about me being here. What if he is planning something bad?

Migo felt Percy's panic and tried to comfort him.

"Don't worry." The Stonekeeper said. "It's part of the tradition."

Migo was confused. "Why would we need to be split up though?"

Dad never told me about this part of the traditions. Migo thought.

"You will see what has happened to each other on your journeys to meet." The Stonekeeper said.

"Oh." Percy and Migo said together.

Migo looked at Percy. He lifted his hand for Percy to be lowered. Percy stepped onto Migo's hand. Migo lowered Percy to the ground.

Once Percy was safely on the ground, they both turned to the Stonekeeper.

The Stonekeeper tapped his staff onto the ground. Two passage ways opened after he did.

Percy gulped. The hallways were really big, he could get lost.

"Follow the light to the end." The Stonekeeper instructed.

Percy looked down one of the pathways, he noticed that there was a small glowing light from the other side of the tunnel.

Percy looked at Migo uncertainly.

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