Surgical Run away

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Percy woke with a jolt. All he could see was black. He couldn't open his eyes.

Percy was about to start panicking when he heard Brenda.

"Percy!" She said relieved. Percy was suddenly pulled into a hug, startling him.

"B-Brenda?" He stuttered. "W-what's going on? W-where am I?"

Brenda sighed. "You're in the hospital. You scared me half to death y'know."

"B-Brenda...." Percy gulped. "W-why can't I-"

Brenda understood his fear and decided to answer him before he finished.

"You have bandages over your eyes. The doctors said your not blind, but they had to properly cover the back of your head."

Percy let out a shaky sigh of relief.

But his relief was short lived as he heard the voices of two people he really didn't want to be around like this.

"Percy?" The voice of his mother, Eli Patterson, came from somewhere to his right.

"Thank goodness you woke up, son." His father, Jonathan Patterson, chimed in.

As arms wrapped around him, Percy tensed up.

The arms released him. Eli spoke.

"Oh, sweetheart. We are so sorry."

"F-for what?" Percy stuttered.

"We should have fixed this years ago." Jonathan said as Percy felt a hand on his shoulder.

"Now you've gotten hurt because we didn't." His mother sounded as though she were about to cry.

On instinct, Percy reached toward the sound of his mother's voice in an attempt to comfort her. He felt someone take his hand, pressumably his mother, and hold it.

With a shaky voice Percy spoke.

"I-it's not your f-fault, Mom. I-I wasn't feeling well, I-I guess I was just exhausted f-from the flight d-down."

The doctor's voice sounded from behind Percy's parents. "Mr. and Mrs. Patterson? We will need confirmation for the surgery."

Hearing this Percy was shocked. "S-surgery?"

"It's about time we got that problem of yours fixed, son." Jonathan said sternly.

"You-you gave them permission to do surgery on me!" He exclaimed.

"It's for the best, sweetheart." Eli said.

Percy felt a hand on his cheek but he quickly pulled away as well as taking his hand from his mother's.

"You gave them permission without my consent."  He said quietly.

"We are your parents." His father stated. "We know what's best."

Percy couldn't help it. He bursted out laughing.

"Nothing's changed." He said once he calmed his laughter.

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