Trouble with parents

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"Home?" Meechee questioned. "Migo, what do you mean by-"

Meechee took a moment to think about what Migo could possibly be planning.

"Migo, you can't be serious." She said finally.

Meechee, despite Migo's warning, had followed him to the edge of the mountain where he planned to jump off to get to the ground. This being the same place he had slipped off of the first time.

"Meechee, what choice do I have?" Migo asked as he tried to end the conversation so he could get Percy back home.
"The Stonekeeper isn't going to stop trying to kill Percy and I won't stop trying to kill him if he hurts Percy." Migo growled the last bit.

Percy shivered slightly feeling Migo's anger spike a bit. "A-as much as I don't want to be around the big ferocious yeti Meechee calls a father, I-isn't there a better way to get down the mountain?" Percy questions as he tightens his grip on Migo's horn.

Percy was currently sitting on Migo's shoulder, much like he had when Migo was showing him around the village. Being this high up near the cliff did make Percy wish he was back on the ground already.

Migo tried to reassure Percy that he would be okay. "Trust me, Percy. All you have to do is hold on tight."

Percy gulped as he looked down at the layer of clouds, remembering how high up Migo had gone to get here.

"I-I honestly don't th-think that will be a problem." He whimpered, turning his head away from the cliff.

Migo felt Percy's fear spike.

"Don't worry, Percy." The yeti said reassuringly. "There's a big layer of snow down there, it will be like landing on a pillow."

Percy smiled at the thought, until he remembered the yeti equivalent of a pillow is a rock.

The smallfoot gulped, praying that Migo didn't mean a yeti pillow.

"Migo, you don't have to do this." Meechee tried. "We can try to find a way to keep Percy safe."

"Meechee-" Migo was about to say but Percy spoke.

"Even if the Stonekeeper wasn't trying to kill me, I can't stay up here forever." Percy stated.

Migo and Meechee both fell silent.

Meechee looked to Migo in question, not understanding what the smallfoot tried to say.

Percy glanced at Migo after he felt sadness from the yeti.

"B-but that doesn't mean I-I don't want to stay here." Percy said quickly. "I-I just have friends and...and family below the clouds. If I stayed up here, they'd be worried about me."

"B-but didn't they try to blind you?" Migo asked.

Percy looked away from the yeti as he thought of a response.

"Y-yes, but... They really do care about me." Percy reasoned. "They were just trying to do what they thought was best for me, despite my protests."

"Perc-" Migo tried but a loud roar cut him off.

Meechee gasped as she looked back toward the village. "I-it's my dad!"

Percy gasped and tightened his grip on Migo's horn and whimpered in fear.

"Okay, if you're going to do this Migo, you have to do it now!" Meechee said quickly.

Migo looked toward the cliff and glanced at Percy.

"Ready, Percy?" He asked.

Another roar rang through the air, sounding closer.

"Y-yeah." Percy nodded. "L-let's get outta here."

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