Links between Emotions

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⚠Warning!⚠ This is the part that has dark themes. If you have issues with mentions of suicide, you have been warned.

Migo trudged through the snow. He was a ways from the village, nearing an opening to the edge of the yeti's world.

I should probably find a place to stay. He thought.

He wandered around for a bit before he found a small cave.

This will have to do.

Migo entered the cave. He looked around when he spotted three yetis cuddling.

"Oh!" Migo said surprised there were others out here. "I'm sorry, I didn't know anyone else was out here."

The three looked up at Migo.

"That's okay." The female said.

"We were just cuddling, nothing wrong with that." The male yeti with curly fur spoke.

"Who are you anyway?" Asked the smaller male yeti.

Migo recognized them. Kolka, Gwangi, and Fleem. They were soulmates to each other. They had found each other in last year's ceremony. The whole village looks down upon their bond because it goes against tradition to have more then one.

"I'm.... not welcome in the village anymore." Migo said.

Kolka stood up, much to Gwangi's and Fleem's disappointment, and walked over to Migo.

"Migo? Oh my..." She looked down at his hand to see the bonding bracelets. Realization struck.

"You didn't find them, did you?" She asked sadly.

Migo looked to the blue ground. Blue. He started to think. Why blue of all colors?

"Gwangi..." Kolka started turning to her soulmates.

"I know." He said in reply. "But, we need to discuss this first."

Gwangi gestured his head back, signaling for them to go to the back room.

Kolka nodded then turned back to Migo.

"We'll be back."

Migo only stared at the ground lost in thought.

Kolka, Gwangi, and Fleem went to the back.

Migo decided to just walk out. He didn't want to cause them anymore trouble.

After all, they were a rare condition to the Soul Bond ceremony as well.


Kolka, Gwangi, and Fleem had been chatting together for a while after they had found each other. The Stonekeeper noticed this and walked toward them.

Holding up his staff, as he saw that they wore bond bracelets, he stated.

"State the color of the staff."

"Red" the three yetis replied.

The Stonekeeper was confused.

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