Calls from the mountain

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"Wow!" Percy exclaimed. He looked at all the different houses and areas of the Nepal airport. Even with everything being in blue and purple, Percy could still tell it was beautiful. Especially the mountain in the distance.

Brenda chuckled at Percy's reaction.

"You're like a tourist." She said.

"Well, I am a tourist." He said back.

Percy looked around at the blue and purple landscape, city, and nature.

"C'mon," Brenda said after she gathered her luggage. "We'll be staying in a local tavern, the Yak-Shack."

Percy beamed.

Suddenly, he slightly felt sad. He pushed that feeling down as he and Brenda put their bags onto Brenda's rented snowmobile.

What was that? Percy thought as he climbed onto the back of the snowmobile.

They rode to the Yak-Shack to get settled into their rooms.

Brenda tossed Percy the keys to his room.

"Go get settled in. Then we'll start with our research."

Percy nodded.

He walked up to the rooms that were booked for him and Brenda. He entered his room, setting his duffle bag onto the bed.

Percy looked out the window and up to the mountain. It was a bit closer now.

Percy felt another twang in his heart, except this time he felt helpless as well as saddened.

What is this?! He thought. He shook his head. Focus, Percy. He told himself.

Percy ignored any other twangs of negative emotions. But as he looked up at the mountain, he felt like something was calling to him from up at the top.
Sorry for short chapter

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