Migo's Path

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Percy looked into the darkness.

Okay, Percy. He told himself. All you have to do is get your phone and use the flashlight. Shouldn't be too hard.

Percy went to reach toward his phone, when a gentle light shone from above him.

Percy's eyes quickly looked to the light.

It looked like just an orb of gentle blue light.

The light was floating and circled Percy.

Percy felt a little unsure about the light. Well, at least it's not a snail. He thought.

He watched in amazement as the light shifted to add a purple hue into itself.

Percy then felt a tug on his left wrist.

He lookes down at the soul bond bracelet Migo had given him.

Percy lifted his wrist so he could get a closer look at the bracelet, using the light.

Is this thing magnetized or something? He thought. Why did it tug on my wrist like that?

The light seemed to pulse as it continued to slowly circle around Percy.

Percy ran a finger gently over the crystals on the bracelet.

When suddenly, instead of a gentle tug, the bracelet literally began to drag Percy through the dark room.

"WOAH!" Percy shrieked. "H-hey, what gives?"

Percy started to panic as the bracelet continued to pull him.

He had to run in order to keep from falling on his face. Percy has tried to stop himself by digging his heels into the ground, but that only caused him to nearly trip and fall.

Percy shut his eyes. "Where are you taking me?" He cried.

Then he heard a soft giggle.

Percy opened his eyes to see that it was no longer the bracelet pulling him, it was a small yeti.

The yeti looked like Migo only younger, and his horn wasn't broken.

"C'mon guys." The little Migo said. "I want show you something cool!"

"What?" Percy said in shock.

"We're almost there." The yeti said.

Percy looked around to find that he had somehow gotten outside onto the snowy mountain.

"How-" Percy looked back at Migo.

Percy shut his eyes and shook his head. This can't be real! He thought.

The tugging suddenly stopped. Percy was, luckily, able to keep his balance.

Percy opened his eyes to find he was back in the dark cave with the light.

"What!" Percy looked around quickly. "Migo?" He called trying to find the little yeti. "Migo!"

Percy ran through the room the light following close behind. His heart ached as he called to Migo again. Hoping for an answer.

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