The Power of a Yeti's Soul

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Percy woke to a bright white light above him.

He tried to shield his eyes from the blinding light but found that he couldn't move his hands up to his face.

"H-huh?" He muttered.

Percy looked down at his wrists to find that he was handcuffed to a hospital bed.

"W-what?!" He gasped.

Percy pulled on his restraints, desperate to get out of them.

Percy thought back to Migo. W-where is Migo?!  He thought as worry filled him mind.

"Percy!" Called a voice happily. "Thank goodness your awake!"

Percy looked up to see Brenda.

"B-Brenda?" He questioned. "W-what happened? Where am I?"

Brenda sighed and gulped. "You're in a hospital. Your mother shot you with a tranquilizer dart, you fainted rather quickly."

Percy looked around then back to his partner.

"Brenda, please, y-you have to get me out of here!" Percy said.

He suddenly felt a sharp pain shoot through his body.

Percy gasped. Migo.

Brenda shook her head.

"I'm sorry Percy. I can't do that." She said. "This is for your own good. You could have been killed by that yeti."

Percy was about to protest when a pain ripped through him as though he were being shocked.

"Brenda, W-what are they doing to Migo?" He asked, trying to keep from groaning aloud from the pain.

Brenda looked at him in surprise.

"Y-you had mentioned that name before." She said. "Who is it?"

Percy sighed frustrated that he didn't get any answer to his question from Brenda.

"The yeti!" He shouted. "What are they doing to him?!"

Brenda was taken aback by Percy's outburst.

"I-I don't know." She gulped. "B-but don't worry. The yeti isn't going to hurt you-"

Percy rolled his eyes in annoyance, something he had rarely done toward Brenda.

"I know Migo won't hurt me." He growled. "That's not important! What is important is the fact that they're hurting him!"

Percy felt another shock of pain rip through him, causing him to scream in pain and screw his eyes shut.

Brenda quickly  checked on him.

"P-Percy! What's wrong?"

Percy looked at Brenda with fear in his eyes.

"It's Migo!" He gasped. "They're hurting him! W-what ever it is that they're doing to him, it's painful!"

Brenda stared at Percy in confusion and shock.

"P-Percy, how do you-"

"Brenda please, you have to get me out of here!" Percy pleaded. He pulled against the handcuffs. "I need to get to Migo! I have to make them stop hurting him!"

Brenda looked away from the red-head, trying to figure out what she should do.

"I-" She started.

A few people entered the room then.

A doctor, a few nurses and Jonathan, Percy's father.

The doctor sent Percy a smile, seeing that he was awake.

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