A Mother's Betrayal

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It hadn't taken long for Migo to make it to the smallfoot village that Percy had mentioned. He hid behind a few trees while he lowered the smallfoot to the ground.

"Okay." Percy sighed as he got to the ground. "I just need to grab my stuff and then you and I can get out of here."

Migo looked nervously down at his soulmate. "But, Percy... Where are we going to go? We can't  go back to my village, and I don't know how other smallfoot will react to me being around."

Percy looked away and bit his lip, realizing that he hadn't thought that far. 

"We... We'll travel the world!" He exclaimed with a grin. "Just you and me. I-I can show you the wonders of this world."

Migo smiled down at Percy. "Really?"

Percy nodded. "Absolutely. I just have to get my things from the hotel and we can get going."

Migo nodded.

"I'll be back." Percy said as he ran in the direction of the hotel he and Brenda were staying in.

Percy couldn't help but feel overwhelmed at seeing all the different colors around him. He had gotten so distracted that he ran into someone.

They both fell to the ground. "Woah!"

Percy shook his head. "S-sorry about that." He chuckled.

"P-Percy?" the woman questioned.

Her voice sounded familiar. Percy looked up to see a colored female with black curly hair. She wore a blueish jacket and black pants. 

For the first few moments he didn't recognize her, but soon enough he put the pieces together.

"Brenda?!" He exclaimed, shocked to see her.

Brenda quickly shifted and pulled the red-head into a hug.

"Percy! You're alive!" She exclaimed. "I-I thought you had been killed! Where have you been?!"

Percy couldn't help but laugh at how frantic Brenda was being. He hugged her back, happy to see a human-friendly face

"It's a long story, but to make it short: I can see." He grinned.

Brenda pulled back from him and looked into his eyes, her hazel eyes showing a look of confusion.

"What?" She asked with a raise of her eyebrow.

"I can see." Percy repeated slowly.

Brenda looked at their surroundings then back to Percy. "Are you feeling okay?" She whispered.

Percy chuckled once more. "yes, I'm fine."

"Then what do you mean 'you can see'? Of course you can see, you aren't blind. Right?" she asked with worry.

Percy sighed as he face-palmed. "Brenda."

"What?" She asked looking at Percy worry still in her eyes.

"I, can, see." Percy repeated slightly slower than before, emphasizing the word "see".

Brenda took a moment to process what Percy was trying to say. Then it clicked.

She looked into Percy's eyes in disbelief. "You can see?"

Percy grinned as he nodded his head.

Brenda smiled as tears welled in her eyes. "Percy, you can see!?"

"Yes, I can see!" He cheered happily, tears in his eyes as well.

Brenda pulled him back into a tight hug as they started to laugh.

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