One : Your Kidding?

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Beyoncé Knowles
Brittle winds blew through the crisp fall night. New York was definitely not a very forgiving city, and neither was it's weather.
"C'mon BB, it's gonna be fun. You gotta stop being a prick sometime, Aye?" She rolled her eyes at the lanky, yet beautifully statured figure before her, as she shut the open window. It tainted them with a strong breeze that felt like pneumonia at its best. Her conscious taunted her as the temptation arose in her body. She knew giving in would only give the little 'red guy' in her shoulder satisfaction, and that was a big fat no. Beyoncé Giselle Knowles was never, and I mean NEVER wrong. Even when she wasn't right, she damn sure wasn't wrong. She shook her head once more, pushing the closed Mac book away from her and sighing.
"I love you Piaget, but no. Mama's not about to chew me out cause you wanna go be a hot ass behind Zaviyer. Sorry, but I'm not pawning my child off ," I teased as she screwed her face up, causing me to laugh harder.
"Whatever, lemme kiss my nieceypoo and be on my way than," she said smartly as she walked over to my baby. She kissed her cheek and walked back past me. I snatched her down and peppered her cheek with kisses and sent her on her way with her lil Rat friends. Soon enough, my mother barged into my room, probably searching for my younger sister.
"Where's Piaget?" I shrugged. I wasn't finna cover for her, but I wasn't snitching either.
"She came to tell Sweetpea & I good night and that's the last I saw of her," I spoke slowly trying to not sound suspicious.
"Probably running the streets with them damn friends of hers," she said shaking her head. She sat next to me and looked around.
"What are you getting into tonight? Rich and I have a party to attend, your more than welcome to come with us?" She offered. I shook my head and laid back in my fluffy pillows. She looked at me and shook her head.
"Uh un. Get up, shower, and put on that pretty white dress," I already knew what she was doing.
"Mama, I have to pack up orders, and finish editing the site. Plus Sweetpea's Already Sleeping. I really need to stay home tonight," Yes you heard me right. At 19 I was my own boss! I had to be, balancing School, working for 'the man', and being a full time mommy equated to an unhappy Beyoncé. No one wants an unhappy Beyoncé.
"I'll help you with orders when we get back, and don't use my grandangel as an excuse. Now come on up, up," she said while picking up Blue, who was in a Huggies Diaper and an unbuttoned onesie. I groaned and sat up. She still stood there.
"What? I'm up," I said as she shook her head at me.
"Mmhm, Be ready by seven Gis," she spoke before shutting the door.
"Ughh!" I got up and set out an outfit for Blue to wear, before pulling out the white dress my mother was referring too.
"Gis, where's my grandangel's clothes. Got her out here exposing all her lil legs," she said as I sat on the bed lotioning my body.
"Well she got her mama legs so," I said handing her Blue's dress as mama smacked her lips and playfully mushed my head. I giggled and handed her the dress and shoes I'd picked out for Blue. That's when I noticed my baby was awake.
"Hi sweetpea, is that mommy's baby?" I cooed in my baby voice. She giggled and baby drool came all out her mouth. I laughed and stood up with just my undergarments on.
"Girl! You just gone flash my poor baby's eyes," I chuckled and rolled my eyes. I slid on the white silky fabric and it clung to my skin, well like skin.
"Jesus, you really do got your looks from your mother," she said as she looked at herself in my vanity mirror. I playfully rolled my eyes and headed to my closet. I grabbed my gold Flats and placed them on my feet.
"Alright im ready," I said as I quickly slicked my hair into a pony tail and threw in some earrings.
"Aweee sweetpea look at you," I said as I looked and my delicious little baby.

 "Aweee sweetpea look at you," I said as I looked and my delicious little baby

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