"Hold her in there. I'm on my way," I instructed Rocky.
"Aug, she won't stay in there. She's scared about being late to practice," He sighed through the phone.
I jogged down the stairs quickly while holding onto the rail with my other hand gripping my phone.
"I don't care right now. Just do what I asked," I rolled my eyes in annoyance.
"Alright, boss," He said before hanging up.
I snatched the door open, leading down the hall. I followed the path before approaching the other bodyguards, guarding the door. I nodded before entering the room quietly. Her eyes darted toward me in confusion.
"Is this why you held me in here? For him," She asked.
Rocky nodded. She crossed her arms with an angered expression on her face. I nodded toward the door, signaling Rocky to leave. He did as instructed, leaving us alone. I admired her since I hadn't seen her in about two weeks. Nothing's really changed. She sighed while looking around the room.
"So, are you still mad," I asked.
She shot me an evil glare before turning her attention toward the mirror and putting up her belongings.
"I'm not mad. Just done with everything you're doing. We could go on, but you don't have respect for me and I'm not going to tolerate it. Saying I'm being wifey material or whatever, doesn't change the fact of what you did. You can't have me and somebody else on the side or be fucking just anybody because if you bring a STD home to me, there won't be a second chance," She ranted. "Another thing, you don't have to remind me about us not being in a relationship everytime we get into a argument. Do it again and I will end all this shit," She warned.
"Okay. I agree with you and I understand, but I don't try to remind you to be hurtful. We both agreed on not calling this a relationship and then you start doing it," I corrected her.
She whipped around to face me with her hands resting behind her.
"Do you want all of this to stop? Because by the way your talking, it seems like you don't want it," She asked.
"Explain what you mean by that," I knitted my eyebrows together.
"It's self explanatory. You can't treat me like you treat the rest of these hoes. I am not that bitch you're looking for," She snapped.
"Treat you like what? We can see other people. It-,"
"Stop," She interrupted me. "You sound so stupid right now. I'm telling you, I'm not the girl that you can do that way and until you realize that, don't talk to me," She grabbed her gym bag and left out of the dressing room.
I fanned my body with my hand as we took a small break from rehearsals since it was so hot. They didn't want anybody to pass out. I leaned my back against the wall, near a fan, trying to cool off.
Is the air on? Damn, it's hot.
I thought about approaching August and asking him, but I'm not fucking with him right now. He acts as if he has no common sense on how to treat a woman. A real woman.
"Shay, do you know why it's so hot in here," I asked while slowly walking toward her.
"Nah. I'm wond-,"
"Why don't you ask August," Aaliyah smirked.
"Bitch, please, get the fuck out my face," I put my hand up to block her.
"Why? I mean, everyone knows you're fucking him," She shrugged.
"I'm not fucking him so get your damn facts straight. Now go on back to wherever you came from unless you talking about throwing hands," I rolled my eyes.
"Excuse me? Bet I won't," She stepped closer to me.
Shay quickly jumped in the middle of us while holding up her hands.
"Guys, please, don't do this in rehearsals," She whispered so it wouldn't draw any attention.
"I'm tired of her talking shit," I shouted.
A circle was formed around us once those words left my lips and lingered there. I couldn't believe I just caused a scene. I don't wanna fight nor will I tolerate disrespect.
After Shay stepped away, I balled up my fist and stomped toward Aaliyah before swinging at her, but she caught my fist which totally caught me off guard as she twisted my arm behind my back and kneed me in the stomach. I, Jasmine-Katherine Kachingwe, am not going down with at least trying to win.
I grabbed a handful of her hair with my other hand as she released my arm and I began just coming down on her face with my fist. Receive a hit, throw a hit. This process continued until I felt my body being lifted from the ground. I began kicking around furiously and waving my fist around, still trying to hit Aaliyah as she did the same. Suddenly, the room fell quiet and I noticed blood drip from August's nose.
This is not going to end well.
He touched his nose before looking at the thick, red blood on his fingers in shock. His face turned red as his nose flared and his lip twisted up in anger.
"You're both fired," He growled before storming away.
I gasped in shock with my jaw on the ground. Did he just fire us? Fire me?
I sat in my office with my head resting in my palms. I didn't want to fire them, but I was pissed because I got hit when I tried to break it up. I was gon' let the whole fight slide or whatever, but they hit me. And my broke my damn nose. Hitting like fucking men. I ran my hands down my face while leaning back into my chair. So much shit is going on right now and I don't have the time. I don't know what the fuck they was fighting about, but Ima find out. My door opened and Shay peeked her head in.
"Hey, can I talk to you," She asked.
"Yeah. Come in and shut the do'," I instructed.
She nodded then entered the room and closed the door before sitting on one of the chairs.
"I wanted to talk about Jasmine," She stated.
"Okay. What about her," I leaned over the desk.
"She did start the fight, but she didn't initiate it. Aaliyah has her suspicions about you and Jas, so keeps picking at Jasmine. Constantly bringing up your relationship with Jasmine and just being a real salty bitch about it. I guess Jasmine got fed up so that's why it escalated to that point," She explained.
"How long had this been going on," I asked.
"Every since you two first started hooking up," She said.
"Okay. Thank you, but I want to get both of their sides as well," I nodded.
"That's not a good idea. Aaliyah is plotting and I don't think it'll end well. Just give Jas her job back and work things out with her," She said before standing up.
"I tried that last suggestion," I chuckled. "Thanks, once again."
She nodded before leaving. I leaned back into my chair thinking. What does Aaliyah have up her sleeve?
A/N: I was going to update yesterday, but it was 9/11 and I know some of you were probably mourning, so I didn't. That's scary, but on a brighter note, No Love video seems really good. Can't wait for that :) Also, got another book in my drafts, but I'm keeping that plot on zee low B) I think y'all will like it.
This chapter was just ew ;-; Needed something to spice it up or whatever. Next chapter will be better. This one was sucky :/ Tried to make it a filler and I don't want Jas to fall back into August too quick. Get what I mean? Yah. Good :)

1. Dancing For Mr. Alsina
FanfictionWho said fulfilling your dreams were easy? [Currently undergoing editing]