A/N: I think I'm back in full fledge writing abilities, but it won't be everyday updates ,-,
Two Weeks Later.
I'm still confused on what I should do with this whole situation. Part of me wants to see what we can do, but my common sense is telling me to just leave it alone and him along with it. And if he really loves me like he's saying, then he would show how much he's sorry or I'll keep ignoring him.
"Y'all are still into it?"
I looked at Shay and rolled my eyes. "Yeah," I groaned.
"It's okay. Things will get better," She reassured with a smile.
"Yeah and I don't care either. He needed to be honest with me," I said in a stern voice.
"Wow. It's okay. He'll come to his senses."
There was a knock on the door, sending me in a state of confusion. I slowly approached it then placed my hands on the locks and knob before pulling it to open the door. A bouquet of flowers and a large teddy bear welcomed me sitting in Rocky's hands.
"He couldn't deliver it himself," I asked with my eyebrow raised.
"Meeting and an interview right after," He answered.
"Hm. Not accepting it until he gives it to me himself," I sarcastically smiled then slammed the door shut.
I know this had nothing to do with him, but I needed to let all of my frustrations out on that door. Bahja and Shay ran to stand five feet in front of me.
"Who was it," They asked in unison with smiles.
"Rocky. With gifts. From August," I said blandly. "I didn't accept them, though."
"But why," Shay asked.
"Yeah. I could've sworn you wanted him to prove his love for you," Bahja added.
"I do, but he needs to be the one at my door. Not Rocky or anybody else."
They nodded in agreement. I sighed then walked toward the bathroom to run me a bubble bath. As I waited for the tub to fill, my phone vibrated against the counter top. I sighed and grabbed my phone to see August sent me a paragraph.Aug: Tried to call but it went straight to voicemail and I knew you probably wouldn't have listened to it. So I decided to hit you with a text. Heard about the gift situation and I understand you but I don't get it. I mean, you would've never had opened the door if it was me so I gave the stuff to Rocky. Guess you'll be seeing my face some time before the show.
Cute. You just know all the right things to say but guess what? You're going to have to work alot harder now because you messed up bad.
Aug: Lol alright then. I know exactly what to do.
Hm. Can't wait to see you fail.
Aug: Oh. Don't believe me in? Just watch.
I rolled my eyes and set my phone on the counter then removed my clothing to get ready for my bath.
My phone buzzed underneath my pillow, scaring me out of my sleep. I sighed and pulled the phone from the pillow, turning the screen on which made me squint my eyes at the brightness.
Aug: Open your doir.
Doir? I guess he meant door.
I pushed the covers off my body and stood out of the bed then walked to the door. I opened the door and there he was, stumbling around the hall. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms, clearing my throat. He steadied himself and walked toward me with his arms outstretched. When he reached me, the reek of liquor filled my nostrils. I held the middle of his shirt to drag him in my room. Despite how mad I am, he needs my help.
"I miss you," He muttered in my ear.
"Yeah. I know," I replied, blandly.
"Nah. Like I really miss you and I'm not drunk. Just a little tipsy."
"Nope. You're totally drunk," I said in a matter-factly tone.
He chuckled and plopped down into my bed, kicking his shoes off at the edge. I sighed and climbed in beside him before turning on my lamp on the nightstand.
"When are you going to forgive me," He said, muffled by the pillows.
I rolled my eyes and sat indian style with a pillow in my lap and my arms resting on the pillow. I don't feel like having this conversation with him.
"And whether or not you feel like talking about it, you're going to regardless. You can't just shut me out and shut down. It only causes your anger to build up," He stated. He had rollen onto his back by now and was staring at me with a naked eye.
"Jas. Don't be like that. Just tell me what you want to happen," He said.
"I want you to leave me alone. You played drunk just so I'd let you in," I snapped.
"Yeah. No. Well, half drunk. I had a whole bottle of Ciroc to myself," He chuckled.
"I like how you find this funny."
"I don't. Sorry," He said, stiffling his laughter.
"I've already got my point across. What's yours," I asked lowly while rubbing my arm slowly.
"Oh. I mean, I don't understand why you're mad. As of now, I'm through with her and it's not another one of my lies. I'm trying to show that I truly want you--"
"Skurt, skurt," I cut him off. "You are lying. It's not about her or you. It's about me. If you did this to her then there's no telling what you'd do behind my back."
"Really? When you're on break, nothing matters--"
"Does she know about this," I asked.
"Yeah," He paused, sighing. "And she'll be here sometime tomorrow."
I threw my hands up then climbed out of the bed, but he gently grabbed my hand.
"Look, I don't know her agenda, but I don't want her here just like you don't."
"That's ya' boo, though. So you go lay up with her and I'll be here, packing my things because I quit," I shouted.
A/N: So I'm back and stuff. Thanksgiving break is almost here and I'm publishing a new book soon because I'm bored with Love and Basketball. I'm leaving it and I'll update it when I get a chapter finished.
How y'all feeling about August?
Do you think Jasmine should stay or quit?

1. Dancing For Mr. Alsina
FanfictionWho said fulfilling your dreams were easy? [Currently undergoing editing]