A/N: Anybody know how to make a movie/book trailer?
After some thinking, I thought it would be better to talk to Trey before I send Jasmine on tour with him. I don't need him trying to mess around with her out of spite. I'm not worried about Jasmine because I know she's a smart girl, but it's her environment that I'm scared of. I'm trying not to worry and just wish her the best.
"I'm here ta' see Trey." I told his assistant as she stared down at her papers.
"Uh...He's in the studio right now and he specifically said not to let anybody in." She said in a sigh, never looking up.
"He told me ta' meet him here, Morgan." I said, annoyed.
"He never mentioned it to me, August." She mocked my tone.
I sighed. "Am I gon' have to act a damn fool? You up in here arguin' back and forth wit' me when you could be goin' ta' get some type of information for me bein' here."
She looked at me, rolling her eyes. "Look--"
"No you look. Do ya' damn job and assist me to his damn studio." I demanded.
"No." She quipped with a smirk.
The bells on the door sounded, signaling someone had entered. I turned in their direction to see Jasmine giggling with two other girls with her head facing the other direction. I pursed my lips while shaking my head. Her ass supposed to be in rehearsals. Not the damn studio. I continued to stare at her until she turned with her smile slowly fading and her walking pace coming to an end. She whispered something to the two girls and they began walking toward the back.
"Man, I thought you had rehearsals." I said, leaning against the counter.
"I did, but it--"
"Say. Fuck outta here with all that. You never mentioned coming here to the studio and for what? Ion have no booking in here right now."
"It wasn't a plan-- Can we not do this right here? In front of her?" She said lowly, gesturing to Morgan.
"Yeah. Come on so we can talk outside." I grumbled.
I pushed myself off the counter then walked toward the door as she dragged behind me. Once we made it outside, I leaned my back against the brick wall, squinting my eyes at the bright sunlight. She stood in front of me with her hands clasped together, looking off to the side. I scanned over her attire, analyzing her joggers and plain white t-shirt. Her usual rehearsal clothing, but also casual clothes as well.
"Okay. Are you going to listen to me or just yell?" She asked, lifting her head slowly to look at me.
"Yeah. I'll listen." I replied, nodding my head.
"After rehearsals, he invited us down to the studio to just get an idea of how everything will be on the tour. I called you twice and I even text you, but I never got a reply or an answer." She justified.
"Ian got no missed calls." I said, pulling my phone from my back pocket. The screen lit up, reading Two Missed Calls; One Unread Conversation. "Oh. Well, I'm sorry."
"Apology accepted." She said with a slight smile. "August, I'm not tryna be sneaky or creep on you. That one time with Isaiah was just my hurt and anger doing the talking. I regret it and I can admit that it was stupid. You just have to believe me and trust me. Okay?" She reassured me.
"Alright. I hear what ya' sayin', but we gon' have ta' see, lil' one." I joked then ruffled her hair.
She smacked my hand away from her hair. "No. It took me forever to do this shit this morning and you tryna ruin it. Nah."
I chuckled. "You'll be 'ight."
She shook her head and walked away from me toward the front door. I walked behind her, reaching my arms out to hug her from behind. I pulled her into me as she turned her neck to look up at me.
"August, Trey is in room number 345."
"Bout time yo' ass tell me the room number." I grumbled.
Jasmine and I headed toward the rooms, scanning the numbers. 338...339...340...God'lee. It's a lot of damn numbers.
Jasmine opened up the room door as we stepped in when the smell of weed, alcohol, and stank bitches came flying out of the room like it needed some air. I swea', he betta' be in his right state of mind.
This was probably stupid and boring. I just really needed something to update while giving away some ideas of what's to come. No cheating involved {I think ;)}
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1. Dancing For Mr. Alsina
FanfictionWho said fulfilling your dreams were easy? [Currently undergoing editing]