A/N: Thanks for the previous comments. Keep them coming B)
I knocked on August's room door before entering, but I guess he didn't hear me because he carried on his phone conversation.
"...Look, it's only business so don't worry about anything... I know. I know, but I'll call you later," He said into the phone before hanging up and turning around. "Oh. I didn't hear you come in," He said, shocked, while approaching me.
"Yeah. I knocked, but who was that on the phone," I asked.
He wrapped his arms around me and kissed beside my sensitive spot. "Nobody."
I pushed him away. "Didn't sound like nobody."
He rolled his eyes and sighed. "Just my manager fussing about tonight's show. Apparently, I'm supposed to be appeared as a single man."
"Oh. I get it." I looked around the room and noticed a bouquet of dark red roses laying on his bed and a card attached to it. "Whose those from," I asked, pointing to the flowers.
He looked in that direction and shrugged. "A fan gave them to me," He stated simply.
"Oh. You read the card yet?"
"What's up with you and all these questions?" He chuckled and walked away from me toward the roses. I followed behind him.
"What's up with you and these suspicions?"
"Jas. Chill out. You seem a little paranoid and it's scarin' me," He whined.
He picked up the card placed in the flowers and attempted to crumble it up, but I leaped onto the bed and snatched it out of his hands. I laid onto my back and read it aloud.
"To my love, I love waking to your smiling face but too bad you're on tour and not able to be home with me," I read with attitude. "Who the fuck is this, August? Doesn't sound like a fan."
"I said it was a fan and you should believe me. You know how crazy they are," He said.
"Yeah. Whatever. I'm going back to my room," I spat while climbing out of his bed.
He grabbed my arm gently and pulled me back. I looked off to the side and crossed my arms over my chest. I wanted to smack him and storm off, but something was making me stay. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my forehead. I put my hands on his chest and pushed him back before leaving his room.
I found myself at the bank of a river with chilly and cloudy winds surrounding me. My phone lit up, signaling Jacquees replied to my text.
'Call me.' It read.
I picked up my cellular device and dialed up his number. He's the only person that understands what August and I are going through. I would call Donovan, but his answer is to always sleep with August. I'm not ready for that step honestly.
"Okay. Talk to me," He spoke into the phone.
"Tell me more about this Nicole girl," I sighed.
He sighed before taking a pause. "Here's the deal, what'd he tell you about her."
"She's some crazy ex who will not leave him alone," I replied.
"Oh. Man. Look, ask him again and see what he says," He suggested.
"No. He'll probably lie just like how he lied today. Am I his side chick or something because if so, I need to know now," I demanded with attitude.
"Mmm. Not that I know of," He mumbled.
"Bye, Quees," I rolled my eyes, hanging up the phone.
August is about to get an ear full.
A/N: Quick, small update. Not sure when the updates will ring in fast and long, but I'm trying ;-;
20+ Comments

1. Dancing For Mr. Alsina
FanfictionWho said fulfilling your dreams were easy? [Currently undergoing editing]