The Bracebridge Dinner Pt. 2

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"That it, Miss?" Asked the driver of the sleigh looking back at the lonely girl.
"Guess it's just you and me." She replied sounding a little sad but still with a tiny smile on her face. The driver turned back around and started off. Joey was just acommodating the blanket when out of the blue Jess jumped into the moving sleigh, completely surprising the girl.
"What are you doing?!" She exclaimed.
"Well, heard it was two a sleigh, no more, no less." He responded. "You were breaking the rules."
"You could've hurt yourself."
"I live on the edge." He said with a smirk. "I could jump out if you want." He teased.
"Doesn't matter to me." She looked somewhere else and the boy caught that.
"You mad at me or something?"
"What do you think?" She looked at him.
"I can't read your mind." He looked at her.
"You got into a fight with Dean." She excused her actitud.
"Dean?" He asked of course aware of the answer.
"My sister's boyfriend." She said obvious.
"He's still her boyfriend?" He was putting some gloves on.
"What does that mean?" And his answer was a raised eyebrow. "Okay you can jump out now." She looked in front of her away from the boy she was founding annoying.
"I wasn't fighting him. I was fighting someone else. He jumped in on his own." He excused.
"He was trying to help you." She looked at him again tired of his actitud.
"He should go into government service if he's so interested in helping people. But me. Stop worrying about me." He looked at her and Joey had already looked away yet again.
"Why were you fightin' in the first place?" She loo back at him. She couldn't decide where to look at. She wanted to look at him cause they were talking, bit every time she did, she felt the need to turn around.
"'Cause Chuck Presby's a jerk." They were looking into each other's eyes.
"You were fighting Chuck Presby?"
"Yeah." He annoyingly said.
"Oh, he is a jerk." They both looked away. There was a second of silence between the two.
"This whole town is weird and full of jerks." He added.
"Then why are you still here?" She asked raising her eyebrows, not really interested in the answer, just a question that came with his comment.
"What do you mean?" Jess looked at her and Joey took a second to turn around and answer.
"I mean, school's out, and... so you don't like it here, so why don't you just go home?" Jess was interested by the girl's pint and question.
"My mom didn't want me to." He explained looking away.
"I don't believe that."
Jess sighed and turned around to find her still looking at him. "That's your right, I guess." 
Joey looked down and quickly back up at him. "Did Luke said she didn't want you to?" He looked down and slightly chuckled at the question.
"Luke told me it was his idea that I should stay." He sighed again. "It wasn't his idea." He finished and looked back up at Joey who just flattened her lips.

They both looked away to their rights to Stars Hollow's park, where all the snowmen for the competition were.
"That's good." He said.
"What?" "Your snowman. Snowwoman actually." He clarified.
"You know which one's ours?" She asked intrigued.
"It definitely has the most personality. Kind of looks like Bjork."
"Yeah, that's what we were going for." She said smiling.
"Yeah?" "But of course everyone thinks the one on the end is gonna be the winner." She pointed out.
"Really? It's so overdone." "Agree."
"You should win." He turned to her.
"No argument."

Another second passed by in silence.
"So what about you?" Jess asked with no more elaboration.
"So what about me?" Joey shakes her head.
"You don't have a boyfriend." He stated.
"You're right, I don't." She frowned.
"And why is that?"
"Guess no one knows who Bjork is." She paused. "Or any other thing I refer to, anyways."
"So you're kind of in a higher ground that the jerks round here." He said not really meaning anything.
"What? No. That's not what I meant." Joey had hated when her grandmother used terms like that to describe her to people, kind of like presuming her granddaughter.
"No, no. I know. But... You know. I think m- maybe you are." He looked at her in the eyes and she was frowning.
"No, don't say- think that. Stop it." Joey abruptly said. Jess was surprised and didn't understand her reaction.
"No, really, I'm curious. Why don't you have a boyfriend?" He said calmly.
"I..." She thought for a moment. "I don't know."


The next morning Joey was downstairs with her mother and sister saying goodbye to the guest. She hadn't really slept last night, a normal thing to happen to her. So after her grandmother went for a walk and never made it back into the bedroom and the other two Gilmore girls were asleep, she went out the bedroom. When she finished closing the door slowly not to make any sound, she saw Jess at the end of the hall getting into his bedroom, they looked at each other and Joey gave him a sad smile which he politely returned.

Now the boy was coming up to her accompany by his uncle to say goodbye to the two Gilmores left, since Rory had went a side with Dean.
They looked in the eyes for all the time standing there, making smiles and giving smirks while Lorelai and Luke were talking besides them.
"Jess. Jess." The older man talked loudly as if he had been calling the boy for some time now, which he have done.
Lorelai had noticed the look between them and smiled for herself, taking in Jess being snapped out of his trance. Joey also chuckled at her side.
"Yeah." He responded as if nothing had happened.
"Shall we go?" "Yeah, yeah, sure."
Luke looked at Lorelai with a confused frown and picked up his suitcase and went out the door followed by his nephew.
Lorelai didn't comment anything on the matter, and they continued as normal.


The three Gilmores made it into one sleigh and thankfully it didn't broke down. They were going back home.

"Oh. What happened there?" Lorelai exclaimed looking over at the overdone snowman that was now destroyed. The twins turned to look at it.

"I have no idea." Said Joey smiling. The question her mother had asked wasn't really one to reply at, but because she did, Rory noticed that along side the happy look on her sisters face and new right away she new something.
"Bad new for ringer guy, but guess who wins by default." Spoke their mother again.
"I guess that would be us." The older twin replied. All three chuckled and we're so happy about that simple fact.
As the sleigh has passed away from the snowmen Joey lifted herself up and observe the glorious view of the disaster with a big showing-teeth smile on her face.

So I started writing that last chapter and half way through it I tough it was gonna be too long, so I cut the last part and put it in this new chapter and finished writing it. After I published the chapter before this one, I realized it was actually too short in word count, so I grabbed another device and checked how the story looked  over there. And that's were I realized that they're actually too short. Like, all of them.
So well, anyway, I decided to publish this one and then start making them a bit longer, but the problem is that I like to end them at, either some interesting point (at least interesting in my opinion) or at the end of the actual episode. But I'll try and sort things out, even though it's difficult because it's a re-write. I am tryin, thought, to add more content besides the episode's, so maybe you'll see more of that.
Well, hope you like it by now, and if you wanna comment on anythin' just, well, comment, it always helps.
Bye for now.

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