Pt. 20

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Once the two teenagers entered the edgy, sketchy record store the girl immediately rushed over, taking in all her surroundings having found a fascination with the place, while the boy had a fascination over her. He watched as she rumbled her fingers quickly record by record, loving everything she caught sight of and bobbing her head to the rhythm of rock music as it played in the background. Jess chuckled to himself and couldn't resist the grin to escape his lips. Joey turned with wide wondrous eyes to him and smirked widely while holding out OK Computer by Radiohead for him to appreciate before putting it back and continuing her search. He just chuckled again and shook his head randily approaching the exited teenager he so much liked, and started rummaging through the records himself.

"I haven't even heard of half this bands."

"I love that about this place!" Joey turned exited towards him and got closer. "Lane would want to live here." Jess smirked to himself once the girl wasn't watching him, happy that she liked the place.

"Who's Slint?" Jess held out a record, inspecting it as Joey took a peak.

"I don't know."

"Grunge band out of Kentucky. Two albums plus a double A-side single. Disbanded in '94." An older man who appeared to be working there monotony explained, both teenagers had turned interested.

"Thanks." Jess nodded and as soon as the man nodded back and turned to his previous business the two turned to each other, a small giggle escaping the girl and she turned to keep looking.

"Oh my god!" She picked up a record and Jess turned to her.


"Look." Joey turned to him. Unaware of it standing to close to each other as they both looked at the record.

"The Go-Go's." He exclaimed in a tone that one would talk to a child when they show you something interesting to them but not to you, but you still expres a pretended interest. "You must have that one."

"No you idiot." She frowned and turned to him, finding him already looking. "For my mom." Explaining with a duh tone, she gazed back down to the record in hand. "This was her favourite group when she was my age. And it's signed by Belinda. This would be the perfect graduation present. I've been lookin' for something all week long- which is not much time- and I couldn't find anythin', and- now I have Belinda."

"Graduation?" Joey looked back up at him, and of course he was still staring, but she put the thought at the back of her head.

"Oh. From college. From business classes." With him still looking she turned back to the record until he spoke again.

"I'm surprised she has time for anything except lighting darts on fire and throwing them at my picture."

"It's not a lot of time, but... she makes room for both." He smirked at her and she smirked at him.

Both turned to the record. "Go on. Get it. She'll like it." Joey turned to him.

"Thank you so much for bringing me here. This was fate." He smirked without possibly being able to take his eyes of her.

"I think it was." And she skipped of to pay for the record, his eyes following her. She turned to look ar him and he quickly turned away, cheeks lightly blushing with embarrassment for being caught.

After being handed back the record inside a bag, Joey thanked the man and turned to the door where Jess was waiting for her. He opened it and she stepped out first. They started slowly walking down the sidewalk.

"I should walk you to the terminal if you wanna get back by six." He really wanted to spend the rest of the day and the following days just like today, by her side.

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