Stars Hollow Picnic Basket Auction Pt.1

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"I can't believe you're making me do this." Joey complained at her sister. They were at Doose's picking up baskets for the bidding. Girls cooking lunch for boys to bid on them and then eat with the lady wasn't kind of her thing. Lorelai had went off to the front of the store leaving the twins to talk on her own.

"Trust me, it's gonna be fun." She was smiling trying to convince her.

"You say that because you have a boy to bid on it." She excused annoyed, rolling her eyes and leaning on the shelf.

"Well, yeah. But that's the point, a boy is gonna bid on yours."

"But I don't want a boy to bid on mine. Why can't you bid on mine? Please."

"I'm sorry. I would, but I'm having my lunch with Dean." Joey rolled her eyes.

"Well, then I'm gonna bid on my own basket." She crossed her arms and frowned like a little kid.

"And then what's the point on making a basket? You're gonna be paying on your own food." She was still checking on some baskets, not looking at her twin.

"Are you kidding me? You've been bothering me to participate." Rory just chuckled. "So if I have to make a basket, then I'm the one who's gonna eat it." She turned around graving a basket without really bothering how it looked like, just making sure it was small, and went away from her sister to pay for it.


Everyone was gathered around the gazebo bidding on the baskets. Lane's one has already come up, and for now everything was going accord her plan. Rory's one came up too, and Dean bid on it whit no trouble, but they decided to stay a little longer until Joey's one came up since she asked them too.

"Okay, so here we have this... basket." Taylor was handed over Joey's basket. It didn't have much to it, just a plain basket; Joey made sure it didn't caught up attention so that she could have lunch on her own. If nobody bid on it, she'll go an grab it later. 

"Oh. That's mine." Joey whispered-shouted to the young couple standing behind her. 

"Wow. You really don't want to share your food." Her sister stated.

"It doesn't say much... Uhm... Okay. Let's start with 3 dollars." 

"Okay, now we just wait until no one bids." Joey said exited.

"Ten dollars!" At that shout Joey's expression of joy fell down and she, wide eyed, turned around to the source of the voice  when her eyes landed on Jess. The boy turned to look at her sending a smirk and the girl grew whit anger.

"I think someone want's your basket." Dean announced. The girl turned to the couple seeing that they were too, looking at the Mariano boy.

"We got 10 dollars at once" Taylor started the count down.

"Oh no. What now?"  She paced in the place. "Dean you gotta bid on it."

"Wha- but I-" 

"Please!" She pleaded.

"Okay. Uhm. Fifteen dollars!"

"We got fifteen doll- Dean you can not bid, you already have a basket."

"Wh-what?" Dean shrugged his shoulders at the girl. "Twenty dollars." Joey exclaimed.

"Joey I don't think you can bid." Taylor said low as to not grab attention.

"What? Oh it's because I'm a woman?" She said loudly, so that people will listen and start a discussion. "Because, let me tell you-"

"Twenty! We got twenty dollars!" Taylor cut her off before a scandal was made, and the younger twin smiled to herself.

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