Pt. 11

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"Hey." Lorelai smiled at Luke. The three girls had walked into the diner for breakfast. "Jeez, look at this place. It's a mess." They sat down.

"Nope, can't sit here." Luke approached with the coffee pot in hand.

"Why not?"

"Three people got nailed in the head here earlier."

"Their food it's okay, right?"

"Will you just move?" In that movement Lorelai's cellphone started ringing. "Outside." He pointed.

"You know, if I sit here one more second I just might be outside." She smiled. "Order me some coffee." She said before going out.

Jess walked next to the girls, wearing a helmet , he popped open an umbrella and handed it over to Joey, nodding as a greeting. "Oh, you are really funny. You and Tom should put an act together." Luke said shouting after the boy, annoyed. "I'd leave it open." He recommended the girls. They looked at each other and Joey leaned closer to Rory, covering both just before some ceiling fell from above them.

"Take this."Joey handed the umbrella to her sister. She went over to Luke. "Do you need help?" She said looking around, referring to the chaos.

"No. I'd prefer if you're not here. I don't want you breathing drywall all day." He suggested.

"Are you sure?"



"That was an evil "yes."" Rory said.  She was packing her mother some clothes for her weekend off with her grandmother. Lorelai sat on the bed with Joey.

"It's not an evil "yes" It's a "yes, I'm pretty, but hello, I'm smart" kind of yes." She defended.

"Oh my mistake."

"So here's the deal, I'm going to my facial just as my mother is finishing her salt glow, which will end 10 minutes after I've hit my scalp treatment, which puts me in the massage pool at least six minutes into her facial." She explained her daughters. "In fact the plan is so well-planed that I won't see her until dinner, which will be cut tragically short by the food poisoning I plan to contract."

"You are 12 and discussing." Rory warned.

"I am trapped and desperate."

"You really think you can avoid grandma the entire weekend?" Joey asked.

"Hey, I'm nothing if not a great organizer. Now, lets talk about what you two are gonna do tonight." She exclaimed excited. "Throwing a party... I hope. Inviting hundredth of bikers and and lowlifes who are gonna trash the place."

"Yes mom, we'll call the pirates too!" The youngest sarcastically spoke.

"I'm gonna do laundry, watch TV, order Indian food, and go to bed early." Rory informed.

"And then comes the bikers and lowlifes?"

"And don't forget the pirates."

"I may even fall asleep on the couch with the TV on."

"Okay, I may not be throwing a party but im sure I'm not gonna be doing that." Rory glared at her sister.

"You're all packed." 

"Girl's you have to do something bad when mommy's out of town. I'ts the law. You've seen "Risky Businesses" right?" Both girls nodded. "Now, I'm not asking for a prostitution ring, but how about a floating craps game or something?"

"I'll see what we can do."

"I'd greatly appreciate it."

"I think grandma's here."  A horn honk was heard.

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