4. School

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"Wake up Storm you have school!" Shelly yelled I looked at my phone and realized my alarm didn't go off.

Oh Yeah, I didn't even set one. I got up and got dressed

Showing my tattoos and belly button piercing

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Showing my tattoos and belly button piercing

Showing my tattoos and belly button piercing

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I hopped into my Lamborghini and drove off to hell or school

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I hopped into my Lamborghini and drove off to hell or school.

I hopped into my Lamborghini and drove off to hell or school

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'Special people views.'

"So I heard almost half of the kids in this school are going to be at a party. Just have to find out which one though." Elvira said.

All the killers were mad and ready to find out where the party was going to be held. Then Ghostface spoke up

"Should we-? Who is that!!?" He yelled as he saw a white and golden Lamborghini. Everyone was looking at who that was. They finally parked their car and the person got out to only see a tall girl with curves, tattoos, and a belly button piercing.

She closed her wing door. Everyone was looking at her. She looked annoyed with all the eyes on her. "THIS ISN'T A FREAK SHOW PEOPLE! GET BACK TO YOUR LOW CENTERED ASS LIFE'S!!" She yelled

"Ooh~! I like her!" Tiffany said she walked into the school swing her hips. Every dude seemed to like her every girl was disgusted and jealous.

She just flicked everybody off not really caring. She walked into the school and found the office right away and walked in.

"Hey, I'm Storm Rosabella Harlow." The lady smiled and said, "Here's your schedule sweetheart." Storm grabbed it and left.

I looked around and saw a girl with brown hair and blue eyes. "Hey, can you help me?" I asked her "Huh? Oh yeah sure!" She said, "Are you new?" She asked me.

"Yeah. I'm Storm Rosabella Harlow." She was surprised by my name. "That's a badass name." "Thanks! What's your name?" She smiled at me and said "Nancy Thompson. I have a boring name." I rolled my eyes "It's beautiful."

She smiled and scanned over my schedule. "Oh wow, we have four classes together." I smiled and walked with her. I saw some guys walking together and I bumped into one who was a little muscular.

We bumped into each other hard and he stopped and said.

"Watch where you're going!" He said I stopped and turned around "What?"

"I said Watch, where you're, going!" He said he was mad

"I know what you said I was just giving you a chance to get your head out your ass and realized you bumped into me."

"Do you know who I am?" He said

"Do you know you I am?" I copied him

"No" "Then I guess we're even."

"Okay somebody tells this bitch who I am. NOW!" he demanded

"He's Jack Burrell." His friend said, "Well that name meant nothing to me and I'm really not gonna say sorry if you can't even remember his own name."

"You have no right to talk to me like that bitch!"

"Oh! Are you the president?" "No" "The mayor." "No" "The principle?" "WHAT! NO!" "Oh, so you must be my dad." "What the fuck no bitch!" I then grabbed him by his collar and said: "Then I can talk to however I feel like."

"HEY!" I heard an annoying girl voice "Get your hands off my boyfriend!" She said, "Oh God it's you." "What!? You don't even know me!" "Your that bitch everyone knows. You're the cheerleader who thinks she's the shit and wants everyone to stay away from her boyfriend but fucks his best friends for brownie points and wears 3 pounds of makeup wears the sluttiest outfit and complaints when someone does call her a slut and is an extremely thirsty ass bitch for complaints."

"You shouldn't be talking bitch. Cause are you a virgin and a stripper?" "I'm straighter than the pole you were dancing on last night and I am a virgin cause I'm not a dirty ass slut like you."

She threw a punch at me and people started to yell catfight. I punched her then held her hair and slammed her face in the locker. "You ever try that again I'll break your fucking arm! Understand!?" I threw her to the ground and left with Nancy.

"I can't believe you did that to Bella!" Nancy said impressed.

A bad girl is My girl. Michael Myers x Badass! readerWhere stories live. Discover now