17. The Wedding present

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Today was Michael and Sapphire's wedding day even though they were both excited Sapphire has been moody lately getting angry or sad everyone thought she was just upset about her dad until one day.

The storm was in the bathroom and she was thinking "I swear I'm forgetting something. I missed my period." She then looked under the sink and found what she was looking for.


"Hey, the guy's where's Strom?" Carrie asked, "I dunno, I think she's in the bathroom." Freddy said, "She's been in there for a while." "She has. Come on girls let's go check on her." Elvira said

The girls went upstairs and knocked on the bathroom door "Hey, Sapphire. You okay?" Tiffany asked Sapphire came out of the bathroom with tears "Are you okay?" Carrie asked "Yes. I'm wonderful!" She smiled "You sure?" Tiffany asked.

"Look." Sapphire handed the girls something.

The boys jumped as they heard the girls scream. "Girls are you okay?" Candyman asked the girls ran downstairs. "Tell them, Tiffany Sapphire!" Tiffany yelled cheerfully

"Guy's, Michael, I'm pregnant." Everyone stood there completely shocked "A-are you serious!?" Pinhead yelled, "I'm gonna be a grandfather!" he yelled, "And I'm gonna be a dad!" Michael ran and hugged her

"Oh, Sapphire I love you so much!" "I love you too!" Everyone was adored by how much Michael and Sapphire loved each other "Come on guys we have the wedding today." Tiffany said

"Yeah come on, today is gonna be great!" Sapphire smiled. The girls brought Sapphire upstairs while Freddy, Jason, Leatherface, and Chucky got Michael ready.

After a little while longer,  Sapphire was in her dress and Michael was in his suit.

After a little while longer,  Sapphire was in her dress and Michael was in his suit

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Everyone sat outside and even horror killers came like Annie (Misery), Johnny (The shining), Jigsaw, Annabelle, The banana splits, etc

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Everyone sat outside and even horror killers came like Annie (Misery), Johnny (The shining), Jigsaw, Annabelle, The banana splits, etc.

Everyone was sitting and waiting than the bridesmaids and then best men came it was Carrie and Jason, Freddy and Elvira, and Chucky and Tiffany, Esther was throwing the flowers down on the pathway with Pinhead there in a tux with his daughter Sapphire.

"You ready Mike?" Jason asked, "Yeah, I love her I really, really love her." Sapphire was walking down the aisle and she looked beautiful.

Pinhead walked up and let go of Sapphire as she stood up in front of Michael, Michael shook Pinhead's hand "Take of her please." Pinhead said, "Of course."

Pinhead sat down Hannibal was going to be the priest "Thank you all for coming. Today is a special day for Michael and Sapphire the two people who crossed paths and fell in love with each other. Every bad and good moment they have been there with each other never leaving and who is strong, brave, and lustful. They are there love giving form. And now it's your turn to talk about that. Michael then Sapphire."

"Sapphire when I first meet you I thought you were too good for me but I'm so glad you chose me and you actually gave me a chance. I could never be more thankful for you."

"Michael I've loved you since I first saw you. I don't know why but I could already tell you were the one for me and I never wanted to change that. And now we're together. I'm here for you, you're here for me and were here for this little one we created." She put his hand on her stomach

Everyone cheered as they knew what she meant. "Sapphire?" "Yeah?" "Would like your last name to still be Simmions or? Take your new husbands to name Myers?" "I wanna be Sapphire Myers."

"Then do you, Sapphire Myers take Michael Myers to be your husband." "Yes, I do." "And do you Michael Myers take Sapphire to be your wife." "I do."

"Then you may now kiss the bride!" Hannibal said.

Michael and Sapphire both knew as they kissed they were now officially married "Jason the rings." Hannibal said

Jason came and gave Michael and Sapphire the rings



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"I now pronounce you husband and wife!" Hannibal said everyone got up and cheered.

After a few minutes, the Banana splits got on stage and started to sing their traditional song

Everyone was laughing, clapping their hands, and singing along. "Sapphire throw the bouquet!" Tiffany yelled. Sapphire turned around and saw. Annie, the nun, Tiffany, Annabelle, Elvira, Ivy, Allen, Blair, Lola, Carrie, and Esther was ready to catch it.

She turned and threw it behind her when she turned around she saw that Elvira caught it. "Hey, Freddy!" Freddy turned around and looked at Sapphire "You're next!" She said pointing at Elvira happy that she had caught the flowers.

He rapidly shook his head no. And ran away "Oh, Freddy boy!" He ran faster as she chased him. "He's gonna have fun," Michael said hugging Sapphire from behind.

"Hey, Storm?" "Yeah, babe?" "What's today's date?" "November 8th, 2019." "What day?" "Friday? Why?" "On Monday do you wanna make the baby room?" "When we find out if it's a boy or a girl." Someone put there hand on Sapphire's stomach "It's a boy."

"Really? I'm having a baby boy?!" Michael said with tears in his eyes. "You're gonna be a great father Michael." Michael went on his knee and said: "You're my boy and I love you so much." He kissed her stomach.

"Thank you, dad. This is amazing." "Of course I love."

After the wedding, Michael and Sapphire went on their honeymoon with their bag already packed.

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