7. Shelly

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Pinhead was walking with the killers. Pinhead looked over at Michael "Please take care of her Michael." He thought "Look its Storm!" Carrie said

Everyone looked up at the big window and saw her doing her homework "Is it just me or is it weird that she's being good?" Elvira said, "What do you mean las'?" Leprechaun asked confused

"Well she got expelled, fights, she broke that girl Bella's nose and then her arm and then I heard her beat her up Like she just does crazy shit then seeing her be good is like. Wow." She said, "Michael said it was true." Pinhead said reading Michael's mind.

"Let's go say hi to her I only see her car," Chucky said Everyone left to say hi to her but one person.




"My heart was beating at that fast rate again. I like seeing her my anger feels free. But my groan wants to bend her over and fuck her in the as-. Where did that come from!!?"

"Michael?" Michael looked at Elvira as she motioned her hand for him to come. And he did

"Hey, Storm," "STOP BEING A BITCH!!" They heard an unfamiliar voice yell "I WASNT A BITCH UNTIL YOU CAME HERE!! NOW GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY ROOM!!" Storm yelled.

They saw a girl with brown hair stomping away from Luna's room she was drunk they could tell. Everyone slowly sped walked to Luna's room. "Hey, Storm." Pennywise slurred.

"Guys, what are you doing here?" She asked

"Just came to say hi. Who was that?" Ghostface asked "Ugh? That's my dad's new wife. Shelly."

"She's a bitch," Freddy said, "Try living with her," Storm said walking to her dresser to get a new shirt after Shelly spilled some beer on her.

Everyone looked out the door "You have such a nice room." Carrie said "Thank-GAH!" Everyone turned around and looked at Storm she had her new shirt on but she had a bit of blood on her and glass everywhere and she was knocked out.

"IM TIRED OF YOU BEING A BITCH TO ME!!" They heard that voice again "Was that Shelly?" Hannibal asked in a panic

Jason ran over to Storm and picked her up. Pinhead put a hand on her head "To much blood is coming out of her head. We need her at a hospital."

They all ran to the nearest hospital.


"Hm? W-what happened?" Storm slowly sat up trying to get used to the light. "Oh, my poor baby!" Hunter, Storms father ran up and gave her a hug.

"What happened?" She looked at her dad a noticed Shelly "Shelly? OH, THAT BITCH!!!" Storm thought

"You got hit in the head with something there were glass and blood. I'm just glad you're okay. *Ding!* huh? Oh, that's the police. Shelly stay here with her I'm going back to the house for investigation." Shelly nodded he left

"Why did you have to knock out?" Shelly asked "What? The fuck do you mean?" Storm was pissed "You got hit and you got knocked out and I thought I was about to get caught." Shelly looked at Storm upset.

"Okay, it's your fault 'cause you're the one who got drunk and threw the bottle at me!" Storm yelled and she tried and she was able to stand up and walk.


"Storm?" The girls looked over and saw the killers "Who the fuck are you!?" Shelly yelled "Where Stormi's friends!" Storm smiled at Candyman's comment

"Well, it's true! All of it!" Shelly yelled "Hehe. Oh, Shelly you stupid, worthless, ugly little pathetic thing!" Shelly looked at Storm like 'What did you say!?'

Sto grabbed shelly's collar and punched her in the face at least 6 times slapped her, kicked her, and stomped her foot on her face. "Don't ever talk to me like that again!!" She threw shelly on the bed and strapped her down and punched her in the face more. Until a force grabbed Storm's hand.

"Calm down Storm you don't wanna kill her," Carrie said slowly letting her arm go with her powers.

"Well, I know how to not get caught," Storm said everyone laughed. "Come on crazy one," Freddy said throwing his arm around her neck and everyone walking with each other.

"Jason said that you at least knocked her out for a while," Pinhead said.

"Well, the bitch deserves it." Storm said getting cut off by the song 'Money' by cardi b came on

"Hello?" Storm said putting the phone on speaker.

"Storm are you okay? I heard what happened!"

"Allen? Yeah no, I'm fine."

"Ivy told me about that bitch Shelly! Was it her!?"

"Yeah it was but don't worry she's tied down in a hospital bed beaten."


"Hahahahaha!" Storm busted out laughing "Oh God. You're crazy Al."

"Alright, I got to go."


"See ya!"


"*Yawn!* God, I'm tired," Storm said, "Your house is right there then you can go to bed," Ghostface said holding her shoulder.

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