12. The shoot out

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"Come on!" Sapphire said going to the big window "Who are you looking for?" "Martha her and her gang should be coming in at least 10 black ford explorers. And when you see them shoo-." Before Sapphire could finish what she was going to say she fell back yelling.

Sapphire had a red crimson color coming from her shoulder and her lower stomach. "Sapphire!" Pinhead yelled "Sapphire?" Michael thought.

Everyone ducked when there were rounds of bullets getting fired at "Sapphire are you okay?" Pinhead asked holding her "Y-yeah. It's not my first time, ugh, come on!" She grabbed her guns and stood up as if she wasn't shot

She started shooting hitting the car, the windows than shot another bullet this one hitting a tier of one of the cars and then the car swerved and smashed into another car crashing both into a building.

"Come on get up!" She fired every bullet she could "You are such a badass." Leprechaun said then Freddy, Michael, Jason, and Leatherface started to help Sapphire with the shooting.

Carrie and Pennywise went outside and Carrie stopped the cars and Pennywise was turning into Martha's gang's biggest fear.

Everyone else went outside and Pinhead helped the leprechaun and everybody else was shooting at the cars. Then Sapphire's gang came. "Oh thank God there here!"

Sapphire's gang immediately got out of the car and started shooting at Martha.

Finally a few minutes later Martha's and her gang left but Martha yelled one last thing "YOU WILL DIE AT MY FEET!!"

"Oh, whatever bitch." She said making Freddy and Chucky laugh.

"Ay yo Storm!" Madox yelled and ran to her so did Ryder "They were always like brothers to her." "You okay?" Ivy asked

"Yeah. I'm fine." "No your not! You're bleeding!" Allen yelled

"It's okay I got medical equipment in the house. And we better go now the cops are here." Everyone ran inside

The Mine was fixing Sapphire up "Okay that was fun in all but. W-why are the killers here?" Dean asked

"Well, they're actually really cool," Sapphire said, "But they kill people." Lola said, "Like as we don't?" Sapphire spat

"Okay, that's fair." Blade said

"And I don't want to leave them," Sapphire said, "Why?" Thorn asked "Pinhead can I tell them?" He nodded "So I just found out Pinhead, is, my, dad."

"WHAT?!!?!!??!??!??!?" Everyone yelled almost blasting my eardrums out

"I know it's weird but it's true, Sapphire is my daughter." "Sapphire?" Carrie asked, "That's her name. Her real name."

"Trust and believe I was more surprised than anyone. I actually started to cry." "You haven't cried for 3 years." Blade said

"Hey, guys?" Thorn said, "What's up?" Storm asked "Um, something happened. And It's Shelly, Bella, And Martha. They're planning something."

"What's that?" Elvira asked

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