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Basic Magic

Types: Crystal, Fire, Dark, Light, Water, Nature, Ice, Wind

Anyone can learn any of the types above. However it will take years to master one type. 

Known Hermits: Grian(Crystal, 20 years), Cleo(Fire, 19 years), Doc(Nature, 19 years), Scar(Dark, 17 years), Zed(Light, 16 years), iJevin(Water, 15 years), Wels(Ice, 15 years), and Ren(Wind, 11 years)

Chaos/Harmony Magic

If a person can master all 8 basic types of magic, depending on who the person is based off their soul, they will gain Chaos Magic (soul must have a evil/chaotic typing) or Harmony Magic (soul must have a lawful/good trait) however if a soul is Chaotic Good or Lawful Evil, that person will ablity to go either way. If a person's soul is True Neutral then they will be unable to go either and will have to do a huge spell in order to change their soul. 

Chaos Magic and Harmony Magic can be found in magically creatures such as dragons, angels, demons, hippogryph, etc. Even half-lings are naturally born with one of the two. 

If a person has Chaos Magic, they can never gain Harmony Magic. The same goes for a person with Harmony Magic.

Known Users: Ninja Starz(Chaos, 17 years, half-ling, dragon)

Secondary Magic

Each type of basic magic has other types connected. However gaining a secondary magic type can be very hard. The there is only one way to and that is to get over the biggest hurdle in their life. And people can have multiple secondary types.

Seen secondary types so far are(None are connected back to any basic types) Lighting, Storm, Earth, Color, Lava, Animal, and Space. 


If you born with it, then it's a quirk. Any it can be from either Basic or Secondary magic typing. However there is the really rare chance of getting Chaos, Harmony, Beast, or multiple quirks. 

People with quirks can have 3 stages of control, Out Of Control, Full Control, and Complete Control/Beast Control. 

Recent studies have shown that quirks act the same way as animals, which has led to Complete Control being renamed Beast Control. 

Known Hermits: Mumbo(Full Control), Iskall(Full Control), Tango(Beast Control)


When a person has reached 5+ years with Basic Magic, they can gain Beast Magic by being bitten by any animal(it has to be unmagical) and one the day/night of a full moon. The animal side of the person is extremely hard to control, to the point when in 1956, a method was found, it was worked on till perfected. Collars with iron bits are the only way to tame the animal side. And being half animal seems to help. 

After a month of beast magic, the body of the person will change. Gaining heats once a year, claiming a premiant mate. To anyone dating a person that has beast magic, it's best to end the realtionship in the first month. 

If the collar comes off during heats, they will get their mate pregnant no matter the gender/sex of the partner, why, none knows, nor wants to know.

Known Hermits: Ren(Wolf, 15 months)


Is always shown with stripes. But depending on what the person did to earn to get the stripes, will change the look of the stripes. Stripes can appear anywhere appropriate that people can see.

Disconnected stripes: These people created the server world, will get more powerful based off the amount of servers they creator.

Connected stripes: These people didn't create the server world, they mange it. The stripes will get more powerful the longer they mange the world.

Known Hermits: Grian(Disconnected, back), X(Connected, upper right arm)

Author Magic

If I writes it, it will happen(in the universe)

Known users: Ninja Starz(Poweraph)


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