Chapter 4

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The one group of people that Sophia had to talk to was the blue haired girls' group. And we had to introduce ourselves. And that means that I had to look at the blue haired girl.

But the thing about her was this- not only did she have the same hair color as me, but we had the same face! Like identical twins! It was so awkward when we stood together. Everyone was amazed and confused at the same time.

I fast-walked to the dining hall before anyone else could stare at us. I could feel that my face was getting red. I sat down at our table and rested my cheeks in my palms. I saw the rest of my cabin rush over to me.

"Dude, what was that?"

"That was crazy!"

"That was so cool!"

"I know." I mumbled.

"Do you know Harley?" Lizzie asked.

"Not until yesterday. I mean, I saw her yesterday. I met her today." I replied. "Can we not talk about this anymore, please?"



We enjoyed lunch and didn't talk about Harley anymore.


After lunch was our last activity. I had cooking with Blair and Ruby-Rose. Guess who was there. Harley and Logan. Great.

That day we made lemon bars. Harley and Logan actually forgot to grease the pan! They had to stay after and scrape the pan off. It was pretty funny.

Blair, Ruby-Rose, and I came back to the cabin giggling.

"What's up with you guys?" Jessica asked from her top bunk.

"Harley and Logan forgot to grease their pan in cooking, and they're doing that now instead of going to dinner." Blair supplied.

"Ha." Sophia said like she was bored. She was laying on her back with her head hanging over the side of her bed.

"Should we go?" Lizzie asked as she hopped down from her top bunk.

"I guess." Sophia rolled off her bed (bottom bunk) and on to the floor. "I'm sooo bored." She complained.

"I can tell." I said. Jessica and I lifted Sophia up off the ground and we all walked out of the cabin.

"If you could rename yourself, what would you new name be?" Ruby-Rose said. She comes up with interesting conversation starters.

"MacKenzie. Definitely. It's such a pretty name." Lizzie said.

"Lauren or Lindsey, for me." Jessica added.

"Huh. I guess I never really thought about it. Maybe Abigail? Do I look like an Abigail?" Blair thought out loud.

"Yeah. You would make a good Abigail." Ruby-Rose made a rectangle with her thumbs and index fingers and put it up to her eye so she saw Blair's face through the middle. "What about you, Tessa?"

"What? My name?" I had kind of blanked out.

"Yeah. If you could change your name, what would you change it to?" Ruby-Rose said.

"Umm, I don't know. Angelica maybe? That's a nice name." I said.

"I can see you as an Angelica." Sophia held up a rectangle like Ruby-Rose did and put it up to her eyes.

We got in the line for the buffet-style food tables in the back of the dining hall, which were lined with chicken wings, breasts, and legs, along with sided of fruit salad, kale salad, potato wedges, and green beans.

Ms. Lottie, one of the camp directors, was at the table offering fruit salad to the kids. "Fruit salad anyone? Fruit salad?" She offered to me.

"No, thank you. I'm allergic to cantaloupe." I said politely, taking a scoop of kale salad.

"Oh, I'm sorry, dear." Ms. Lottie apologized. "Fruit salad?" She offered the next person in line.

Maybe I'm deaf, but I swear I heard, "No thanks, I'm allergic to cantaloupe."

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