Chapter 7

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"Girls, no talking, please." The archery instructor, Lucas, said to us. "As I was saying, always point the arrow down when you are putting it on to the bow."

    Me, Maya, Emily, and Parker were at archery. What a coincidence- Tessa and Sophia and Jessica were in the same class as us.

    When Lucas told us to be quiet, Tessa looked at me with the corner of her eye and kind of half-smirked.

    "Are you guys ready to start?" Lucas asked everyone. Everyone said "Yeah!" and "Yes!" "Alright. Lefties, put your arm guard on your right hand and stand facing this way over there." He pointed to the right side of the course. "Righties, do the opposite."

    I was left handed, so I stood facing all the people who are right handed. Which was every other person.

    In front of me was Parker. As we picked up our bows, I whispered to Parker, "It's shaped like a taco." Which made us giggle until people started staring at us like we were rabid wolverines.

    "You are free to shoot." Lucas blew his whistle and everyone aimed at the target and shot five arrows.

"Yesss!" Tessa got an arrow into the circle that was the second closest to the center.

"Good job Tessa." Lucas gave her a sticker and told her something that I couldn't hear. She looked at me for a split second and stuck her tongue out so fast that I don't think anyone else saw it.

I wanted to get a bullseye, so I tried to aim. I pulled the string as far back as it could go and exhaled as I let go. Dramatic, right?

SHIK! I looked at my target. It went through the middle! I dropped my bow and covered my mouth with my hands. "Oh my gosh!" I tapped Parker's shoulder. Well, it was more of a violent pat. "Parker Parker Parker!"

"What what what?!" Parker put her bow down.

"I got a bullseye!" I pointed at my target.

"Oh my gosh! That arrow went like, halfway through the target!" Parker said excitedly. "L-man!" Parker turned towards Lucas and raised her hand at the same time. "Harley got an actual bullseye!"

"Wow, that's so cool, Harley!" He gave me the same sticker as he gave Tessa and told me that I can get a prize in the office if I walk over there during lunch today. "Just show them this sticker."

I looked at Tessa as she looked at me. I grinned. She looked disgusted, rolled her eyes, and focused on her target.


"Umm, excuse me, Ms. Georgia, I got this sticker in archery today. Mr. Lucas said that I can claim a prize if I come here during lunch?" a girl in the other room said as I walked into the office. I looked around the corner. It was Tessa. I could've guessed.

"Yes, miss. You may visit Ms. Horn and Ms. Palfy in their office right over there. Georgia (Big G, according to the rest of the I.J. cabin), the office assistant, told Tessa and pointed to a room down the hall.

After Tessa was gone, I went over to Big G's desk. "Let me guess, archery sticker?" Big G looked over her glasses at me. I nodded. "Ms. Horn and Ms. Palfy's office is right there. They will give you your prize."

"Thank you Bi- umm, Ms. Georgia!" I almost called her Big G, but I didn't know if it was a consented nickname or not.

I knocked on the door to the camp directors' office and opened it. "Hi, Ms. Palfy and Ms. Horn."

"Hello, darling," Lottie said. Lisa was looking curiously back and forth from me to Tessa "What's your name?"

"Um, I'm Harley. Dolan. Harley Dolan." I responded.

"That's a beautiful name, Harley. Take a seat right next to Tessa." I did.

"Oh, you girls are probably wondering what your prize is. Silly me." Lottie said, as Lisa turned around and grabbed a brown paper bag and placed it on the table in front of us, then she took the contents out.

"Sushi!" I exclaimed happily.

"Sushi?" Tessa raised an eyebrow.

"Sushi." Lisa and Lottie smiled and nodded 

"Is it a good surprise?" Lisa asked.

"Yes!" I said with a big smile.

"Yeah." Tessa didn't show a lot of emotion, but I could tell that she still loved it.

"There are California rolls, Makizushi, Hosomaki, and Uramaki." Lisa explained.

"Wow, that's... amazing." Tessa eyed all the different types of sushi.

"This is fine dining right here." I joked. Tessa started to laugh, but stopped herself.

"You don't have to just stare," Lisa giggled. "You can start eating."

Lottie handed us plates, napkins, soy sauce, and chopsticks.

I got a little bit red. "Umm, I don't know how to use chopsticks." I confessed.

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