Chapter 8

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I can't. I literally can't even
I didn't want to be seen with Harley Dolan since the day we met. Now guess what? I was sitting right next to her in Ms. Palfy and Ms. Horn's office. It was weird- Lisa and Lottie were identical twins. Lottie wore her curly hair in neat braids, while Lisa wore hers down and wild. It just so happened that Harley and I looked identical and I happened to have my hair in dutch braids and Harley was wearing her hair down.
I couldnt even concentrate on eating my sushi because I was so embarrassed and mad.
When lunch was over, I fast walked to the cabin.
"What was your prize, Tessa?" Lizzie asked as everyone walked through the door.
"Oh, my prize was sushi,"
"Ooh, cool!"
"Yeah, but Harley was there too." I rolled my eyes at 'Harley.' For effect, I guess.
My last activity of the day, which was canoeing, was pretty fun. Maya and Quinn were there too. We had a race across the lake. Sophia and I won. Naturally.
"Hey, that's cheating." Quinn said.
"What? No we werent." Sophia shot back.
I don't know why I did this, but I shoved their canoe with my paddle and it tipped over. Luckily, Maya and Quinn were wearing life vests and knew how to swim, so they were fine.
"Oh my gosh!" I cried. "I am so sorry I don't even know why I did that!"
The lifeguards came on a motor boat. "What happened girls?" She reached her hand out to Maya and Quinn, and they climbed into the boat.
Maya and Quinn looked at eachother. Then they looked at me and Sophia. I shook my head and mouthed, "Please don't tell them." I hoped that they understood.
Apparently Quinn didn't. "Actually, Tessa over there-"
"Was trying to help us." Maya interrupted . "After we accidentally tipped over out canoe." Maya looked at us. I gave her a thankful look.

[Sorry this chapter is so short! I just realized that this is going to take like, eighty million chapters if I want this whole thing to be one book. I might make another book, but right now I'm not sure. Also, thank you so much for 200 views! It really means a lot! XOXO, Lia]

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