Chapter 15

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You know, school can be nice. Hanging out with your friends during lunch or break, or maybe during classes. But the thing that most people don't like about school is the tests and homework. I'm lucky enough to not have one of those teachers who give tests every Friday, but you can't avoid them.

Today, we had a test in science, to see what we know so the teacher doesn't have to re-teach anything we already know. Which would take 'precious learning time' out of topics that we don't know about that we need to cover this year. (Sarcasm intended.)

It was mostly easy. Mostly multiple choice, some short answers, a couple true or false. Not too bad.

Oh yeah, I also met Tessa's friends. She had a small group of best friends like me (Noelle, Caroline, Bella, and Aubrey), but of course she had more friends outside of her circle.

"You guys have Mr. Dakota for science, right?" Caroline asked us as she sat down at our round lunch table. "Did you have a test today?"

"Oh, eww, we have a test today? Ugh." Bella groaned.

"Yeah. It was really easy." Aubrey assured. "It's just the adding molecules thingy that I had a hard time with."

"Yeah, same here." I chimed in. "Math sucks."

"Let's talk about something else." Noelle suggested. "Um, did you guys go anywhere this summer?"

"I went to Santa Barbara for camp." I shrugged. "That took up most of my summer."

"I went to Paris. It was beautiful. We saw the Eiffel Tower and went to the Louvre Museum." Aubrey said excitedly.

"My family from Texas came out and visited. We took them to the Golden Gate Bridge and the Painted Ladies." Bella explained.

"It must have been weird being in cold ol' San Francisco compared to Texas." I laughed.

Text conversation between Harley and Tessa

Tessa: How was school?

Harley: It was good. Ur friends seem nice

Tessa: yeah. I like your friends too. They're very dramatic

Harley: yeah they get it from me

Tessa: rlly?????

Harley: No i'm jk

Tessa: yeah i hope so

Tessa: sooooo

Harley: soooooo

Tessa: anything out of the ordinary?

Harley: nope. Hbu?

Tessa: I *might have* let it slip that i was in sf over the summer which ik u werent but i think i covered it up pretty well



Tessa: ok ok ok chill out dude

Tessa: aight imma go to sleep now

Harley: K

Tessa: night

Harley: morn

Tessa: ???

Harley: nvm goodnight. I'll call u tomorrow

Tessa: ttyl

Hello valued human.

sorry this chapter is short. i wrote it right after publishing the last chapter and guess what? i'm gonna write another one and i think its gonna be more action (or something...) than these ones, they're basically fillers. anyway, have a fantastic week!


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