Chapter 16

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Mr. Dakota

"Hey, Hugh," I asked one of my co-workers. "Do you have any papers from... Tessa Chamberlain from last year by any chance?"

"Yeah. I'll grab them from my classroom" Hugh walked out of the teacher's lounge and to his classroom. I took a sip of my coffee and examined Tessa's science test from earlier today. "Here it is." He dropped a couple of papers in front of me. "What do you need them for?"

"Tessa's handwriting changed." I said. "Look at this. Last year, her handwriting was thin and straight; now, it's thick and slanted."

"I was the lunch monitor today, and I heard she went to a summer camp that took up most of her summer. Maybe she did something there that made her handwriting different." Hugh shrugged.

"Yeah, but this is completely different. Her A's used to be like the ones in arial font. Now, they're like the ones in comic sans. And look- her Z's used to have these little lines through them." I said, puzzled.

"Sorry, man. I don't know. You could ask her." Hugh suggested.

"Nah, that'll sound weird. 'Hey, so your handwriting changed over the summer, wana tell me about it?' That sounds kinda creepy." I sighed.


Bzzz. Bzzz.

"Harley?" I picked up my phone.

"Yeah. Anything happen today?" She asked.

"Not at school, but, uh," I lowered my voice so Grayson couldn't hear me. "I think Ethan's dating someone. He was dressed nicely tonight when he went out."

"No! He can't date anyone he'll ruin our plan!" Harley cried angrily.

"I know! We need to get them together soon. Labor day, maybe?" I suggested.

"Okay. Should we say we forgot something important at camp?"

"No. I don't want to have to fly all the way to Santa Barbara. Besides, the camp is probably closed."

Harley exhaled a sigh. "Well, at least one of us is going to have to fly somewhere."

"Okay. Oh! How about camping? There's this really nice camping spot in Monterey, and it's right in between Los Angeles and San Francisco." I suggested.

"Sounds good. I'll do my best to convince Emma to go. Send me a link to the place's website." I could almost hear Harley smiling.

"Will do. Over and out, Harley."

"Over and out." She hung up. I got on my computer and quickly sent the link to Harley.

"Hey, Grayson?" I yelled. No response. He's asleep. As usual. So I texted him.

"Can we go camping in Monterey over Labor Day weekend please?"

"I think camping is a good idea," Grayson said as he ate some toast the next morning when I brought up the subject.

"Great. The only thing is; it's in Monterey, which is up north." I said slowly.

The twins gave each other a look. "I guess it's a three day weekend. We can do that." Ethan shrugged.

"Yess! Thank you!" I ran off to my room to text Harley.

Tessa: the twins said yes. hbu?

Harley: emma said yeah. phase two is in motion!

Tessa: u mean phase 3?

Harley: wait what were the phases?

Tessa: 1- switch places. 2- convince ethan and emma that we are actually their daughters. 3- get them together and make them fall back in love and we all live happily ever after the end

Harley: oh i didn't think phase two was a phase. it seemed like part of phase one

Tessa: uhhhh ok

Harley: see you in a couple weeks :)

Tessa: yup ttyl

Tessa: over and out

Harley: lol over and out






Tessa: OK

I put my phone away and helped Grayson, Ethan, and his girlfriend, April, set up the tents. Harley an I agreed to wear the same thing for when our parents meet again. Black shorts, black sneakers, green shirt, and our hair in a ponytail.

We planned to meet at a beach that was near the campsite at five in the evening, so we had enough time to get settled and stuff.

At five, Ethan drove us to the beach. I saw Emma's car and smirked.

"Let's go over there." I pointed to somewhere with one of those half-tents that people bring to the beach for shade. I recognized it as Emma's. I ran over there and put my beach bag down. I took off my shorts and shirt, revealing my blue and purple swimsuit. I put the leash of my surfboard around my ankle and carried it out into the water. I saw a girl with a ponytail in her golden hair and paddled over to her.


"Harley!" I jumped off my board and hugged her. "I need to warn you. Ethan has a girlfriend. He introduced me to her about two weeks ago. Her name is April. She hates outside and camping, so we can use that to our advantage. She'll be sleeping in the car instead of a tent."

"Ooh, are we going to drive the car around?" Harley asked, a mix of excitement and mischief in her voice.

"Good idea, but no." I said. "Let's enjoy ourselves and let nature take over." I waved to our parents.


so, nothing really to say today. hope you enjoyed. vote if this was a good chapter. also vote if it was bad. :)


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